• Jovan Dragojlović University of Pristina, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Dušan Ristić Ph.D. student – University of Belgrade, Fakulty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Nikola Milentijević University of Pristina, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Keywords: urbanization, rural settlements, urban settlements, functions, typology, sustainable development, District of Toplica,


Contemporary processes of industralization, urbanization, deagrarianization, the polarization and globalization contribute socio-economic transformation of the observed space as well as the creation of new carrier of functional relationships in space. Towns with its own influences enrich the network of surrounding settlements, strengthen their mutual relations and create a whole functional settlement system of one area , or the gravity of the urban core. By dividing the functions of the primary, secondary and tertiary, the basis and types of settlements are created by functional criteria according to the  type of  economic  activity  and  the primary content in them. In this area in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century witnessed substantial changes in almost  all components of demographic structure, which resulted in the transformation of functional types of settlement, when the predominantly agrarian settlement characteristic of the area of Toplica road went up mixed and service settlement. The idea behind the study is for the geographically complex area to be displayed in the light of socio-economic development, and as a basis for further economic development of this part of the Republic of Serbia.


Author Biography

Jovan Dragojlović, University of Pristina, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Department of Geography


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Original Scientific Paper