• Milena Majkic The University of Pristina, Faculty of Technical Sciences
  • Nataša Nedeljković The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics
  • Marko Mirković University College of Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Keywords: Metal-dielectric surface, Highly charged ions, TVM, Rydberg states, Collision geometry, Neutralization energy, Surface nanostructures,


We consider the neutralization dynamics of slow highly charged ions in the interaction with a metal surface covered with a thin dielectric film from the standpoint of the surface modification. The quasi-resonant two-state vector model and the micro staircase model are used for the calculation of cascade neutralization energy for the ArZ+, KrZ+ and XeZ+ ions. The population of several ionic Rydberg states at each step of the neutralization cascade is demonstrated. The correlation between the neutralization and the potential energy is presented for moderate and very low ionic velocities and the relevance of this relation for the surface nanostructure formation is briefly discussed for a different angle of incidence and different dielectric materials.


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