Pixel and object-based land cover mapping and change detection from 1986 to 2020 for Hungary using histogram-based gradient boosting classification tree classifier

  • András Gudmann University of Szeged
  • László Mucsi University of Szeged
Keywords: land use, land cover, image classification, change detection, gradient boosting


The large-scale pixel-based land use/land cover classification is a challenging task, which depends on many circumstances. This study aims to create LULC maps with the nomenclature of Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) Land Cover (CLC) for years when the CLC databases are not available. Furthermore, testing the predicted maps for land use changes in the last 30 years in Hungary. Histogram-based gradient boosting classification tree (HGBCT) classifier was tested at classification. According to the results, the classifier, with the use of texture variance and landscape metrics is capable to generate accurate predicted maps, and the comparison of the predicted maps provides a detailed image of the land use changes.


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