International Review sr-RS@latin (Sladjana Vujičić) (Sladjana Vujičić) Wed, 20 Apr 2016 13:41:01 +0200 OJS 60 Exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic instabilities in Sub−Saharan Africa This article addresses macroeconomic instabilities according to exchange rateregimes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Based on International Monetary Fund’s exchangerate regimes de facto classification, the global sample, SSA, is first divided into twosubsamples, which are countries within CFA franc zone (ZCFA) and those outside CFAfranc zone (HZCFA), and then into four categories, which are the Western Economic andMonetary Union (WAEMU), the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, thecountries CFA franc zone with fix exchange rate regimes(HZCFA-FIX), and the countriesoutside CFA franc zone with flexible exchange rate regimes(HZCFA-FLEX). By applyingadvanced statistical and econometric methods upon internal and external macroeconomicequilibrium conditions, we show that the inflation, the GDP (or the output) and the realexchange rate (RER) are very volatile in SSA. However, we found out that they are morevolatile in the group HZCFA comparatively to the group ZCFA. We also found out that theyare higher in the group HZCFA-FIX than the group HZCFA-FLEX. Moreover, we foundout that a high instability of the inflation is combined with those of the output and the RER. Camara Seydou Yaya Sva prava zadržana (c) Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:59:02 +0100 Organizational support and institutional environment for entrepreneurship development Enterprise and Entrepreneurship are naturally connected and linked to the man, hisindividuality and dynamism. A man develops his entrepreneurial skills in the company isorganized so that it represents a healthy environment for the development ambitions. Theonly reliable sources of progress and prosperity are the work and entrepreneurship. It haslong been in the world economic literature of special importance in the process ofrestructuring the economy in economic growth and development of countries in transitionis given to the establishment of new enterprises and entrepreneurship development. I do notbelieve that it is a new form of paradigm, however, the fact remains that a large shift in theliterature devoted to the economy of transition. Entrepreneurship means a special kind ofwork which aims to emphasize the great importance of possessing human creative,organizational and management capacity. The term enterprise wants to emphasize theimportance of possessing an exceptional human creative ability. It appears as acombination of dynamic development of ideas, talent, capital, knowledge and risk. Slavica Andjelic, Marija Cukanovic Karavidic, Slavko Karavidic Sva prava zadržana (c) Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 +0100 Advantages and disadvantages of line and staff style of organizations In the paper we discussed the fact that the dichotomous concepts of modernorganizations exist in reality. We are focused on line and staff style of organizationsbecause they are closely knitted. In line with this, their difference might not be easilyidentified by the laymen in organizational analysis and management. So, the main aim ofour paper was to identify certain benefits from the knowledge of line and stafforganizational analysis for modern managers as well as for employed people in anorganisation. In the paper is concluded that the degree or extent of complexity,dependability, stability and adaptability of the technology and techno-structure of anorganization will naturally dictate the way and manner the operations of the enterprise aredistributed. By implication, the technology of an enterprise always dictates its span ofcontrol authority levels and extent of delegation, responsibility assignment, and number ofsteps along the ladder of responsibilities. Muhammad Omolaja Sva prava zadržana (c) Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 +0100 Management control in modern organizations This paper deals with management control as an important instrument for managingperformances in modern organizations. The paper indicates to the circumstances in whichclassical theory of management control was created, and describes its process offunctioning, with the specifics in large organizations. The aim is to point to some openquestions and directions of further development of the management control, as well as to atleast partially fill the gap that exists in the domestic literature. The conclusion is that theexisting management control framework remains still valid. Open questions can be bestresolved within the concept that observes this matter as a "package" of different controlsystems, not just those that are oriented to accounting-based performance measures. Slavoljub Sljivic, Srdjan Skorup, Predrag Vukadinovic Sva prava zadržana (c) Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:52:37 +0100 Effort assessment in the development of information systems projects There is a great lack of methods and techniques in the software development processitself, as well as the lack of the appropriate tools that would make it more efficient. Thesignificance of the problem is repeatedly emphasized by the need to ensure a high quality ofsoftware and software−based systems. The main objective of this work is to develop andsystematize the original formal procedure for assessing the development of informationsystems in the early stages of the software life cycle, through metrics of the data model. Wecalculate the metrics of data model by using data that can be read off from a base datamodel, which is represented with an Entity−Relationship (ER) diagram that is defined withfour basic concepts: entities, relationships, attributes of entities or relationships andvalues. The idea is to present the complexity of the process with a function of a number ofthese concepts and a number of attributes for entity types. Assessment techniques representthe basis for planning and successful performance of software projects. Statistical methodwas used in this paper and these assessment processes go under the category of empiricalparametric methods, although they have some characteristics of the expert estimationmethod. A developed assessment process represents a step in the efforts to reach suitablemeasures which we would use to assess the size and complexity of the data model and alsoto estimate the amount of costs and resources necessary for the development of informationsystems. Likewise, certain metrics are developed. By being familiar with the data model, wecan use these metrics to quantify characteristics of an information system as a whole in thelogic design phase. Suggested metrics were tested on specific models and the results areshown here. Jovan Zivadinovic, Zorica Medic, Marija Markovic Blagojevic Sva prava zadržana (c) Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:54:30 +0100 Doubts in business communication – can we transform perception into message The communication potential of virtual technology is widely recognized. Here, wereview current problems related to developing, evaluating, or using virtual technology inbusiness communication. Business uses of digital technology are broadly understood, butsome of the questions we discussed here raise confusion about virtuality and reality, mentalillusions, intransitive condition, and impassable boundaries of virtuality - embodied,sensual, singular subjectivity. Virtual communication is far beyond using computertechnology, as we know it today. However, we all should be aware of confusion related tocomputer-mediated perception. From individual perception, communication sometimemoves toward contemplative abstraction, which tends to forget its precondition: theoriginal, mediated perceptual-sensuous immediacy of physical existence in the world.Perception is the unmediated directness, original, non-objected participation of organismin the universe. That is existence in unity with things, coexistence with the world. Originalor phenomenological, sensory perception is not seen as a sign that the object emits andwhich informs us about it, or as structures of our brain centers or translation energy pulsesin the respective forms - all these ideas are subsequent, second level or secondary metalstructures. Perception is not noticed, but modus vivendi, manner of existence, the directparticipation in the universe. This is the metaphysical meaning of perception, which doesn`tdeny the necessity of action, forces us to treat perceptions as a message, but it is secondaryand derived meaning that we cannot legitimately absolutize. Dragana Jovanovic, Vesna Baltezarevic, Radoslav Baltezarevic Sva prava zadržana (c) Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:55:19 +0100 Personal branding through leadership The main idea of this study is to demonstrate that leadership is increasingly becomingan important and current global phenomenon known as personal branding. Leadership is ofutmost importance for each human activity, and even for the entire progress of humanitywhich has always moved forward thanks to people and, naturally, great endeavors of greatpeople. Leadership is what makes the world go round. Although a personal brandinginvestigated in terms of defining, describing various practices and the growing importanceof the use of these techniques, there is still a gap in the scientific literature regarding howtechnology advancement in the business to take advantage of the positioning of theindividual in the global market. Therefore, the primary objective of this paper provide newinsights into the personal branding that will be useful for the academic community andprovide conclusions for its practical application in entrepreneurship. Svetislav Milovanovic, Borivoje Baltezarevic, NIna Milovanovic Sva prava zadržana (c) Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:56:39 +0100 Persuasion through artifacts- Sociological and psychological dimensions Research suggests that applicants use various impression management tactics duringemployment interviews to influence interviewers’ evalutions of their performance. Yet, littleresearch has examined inteviewers/ perceptions of applicant’s impression management andtheir degree of nonverbal influence.This PhD study examines these questions, using both quantitative and qualitative data:Do interviewers accurately perceive applicant’s impression management tactics? How arethese perceptions integrated into their evaluations of applicant’s nonverbal behaviour? Isperception accuracy influenced by artifacts (professional clothing) that interviewees wear?It has cross-cultural design, because describes the differences in EuropeanCommission interviewers’ social perceptions and Romanian human resources managers onone hand, and between social perceptions of European Commission public servants andRomanian employees on the other hand, concerning 12 key concepts: persuasion, firstimpressions, professional image, credibility, authenticity, competence, self- confidence,self-management, self-presentation, self-promotion, impression management tactics,professional appearance Mihaela Stroe Sva prava zadržana (c) Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 +0100