Occupational safety and health is one of the most important international labor standards of ILO. This means that ILO member states should ensure encouraging and maintenance at the highest level of safe working conditions in order to avoid accidents and occupational diseases. Achieving this goal means that employers must make a continuous risk assessment at the workplace, and at the same time decide whether appropriate measures and activities are necessary in order to create the highest level of safety and health at work, i.e. to avoid side effects. In order to achieve this goal, a systematic approach is necessary in preventive action and connection of all entities that are bearers of certain obligations and activities at the national level, but also beyond the international institutions in this area.
By application for membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union on 22 of March 2004, the process of harmonization of the domestic with the European labor legislation begins, and thus inevitably harmonization of the domestic legislation for safety and health at work with the European. Thereby, this process takes place pursuant to article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, according to which the protection of workers is of primary importance, i.e. health and safety at work is a constitutional-legal category and every individual has the right to work, free choice of employment and work protection.
In the harmonization process the basic concept is the Framework Directive 389/391/EES for safety and health at work, according to which the national legislation on safety and health at work should be harmonized exactly according to the principles of this directive.
2) Belovski, V and Majhoshev, A (2017), Labor law, University GoceDelchev-Shtip;
3) Velkovski, T. (2018), Safety and health at work, , MZZPR-Skopje;
4) Agreement for foundation of the European Union,
5) European social charter, European council;
6) Unique European act of 1986
7) Law on occupational safety and health Revised version (“Official gazette of Republic of Macedonia” 92/07, 136/11, 23/13, 137/13, 164/13, 158/14, 15/15, 129/15, 30/15);
8) Law on labor (“Official gazette of RM” no.62/05);
9) Reports on the progress of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2006-2020);
10) International pact for economic, social and cultural rights of UN (1966);
11) Methods of harmonization of the national legislation to the European Union law. (2008). Book-2, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, 12.
12) National Program for the Adoption of the Approximation of EU Legislation. Approached on 01.12.2020 https://www.mtsp.gov.mk/nacionalna-programa-za-usvojuvanje-na-pravoto-na-eu-npaa.nspx,
13) Official site of the assembly of the republic of north Macedonia, International cooperation. Last time approached on 07.01.2020, https://www.sobranie.mk/usoglasuvanje-na-zakonodavstvoto.nspx
14) Official site of the European Organization for Health and Safety at Work, accessed on: 05.12.2020 https://bit.ly/2GS9Hf3
15) Charter of the Association for the Fundamental Social Rights of employees, 1989
16) Universal declaration of Human rights (1948);
17) Constitution of ILO (International labor organization);
18) Constitution of RM
19) The Philadelphia Declaration of 10 of June 1944, ILO
20) Harmonization. Last approached on 01.12.2020 https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/policy/conditions-membership_en .
21) White paper on the preparation of the Associated Countries of Central and Eastern Europe for Inegration into the Internal Market of the Union. COM(95) 163 final. Executives summary Vol.Ipage 3-6