Experience with Using BBC Micro:Bit in teaching

  • Синиша Минић
  • Немања Деретић
Keywords: micro:bit, children education, ICT technology, computer science, education research


Abstract:Micro:bit is a new learning device that makes it easy to learn programming and electronics. This device enables the development of logical thinking, problem solving skills and digital literacy in students in general. Using the micro:bit enables relatively easy programming in different programming environments on different computers and mobile phones. Additional functionalities of the micro:bit are achieved by extending it with special elements. The research was conducted in a primary school in the Republic of Serbia. The students were divided into a control and an experimental group, with the students in the experimental group using the micro:bit device. The results of the work show that the use of the micro:bit in class has a positive effect on the students' performance in the subject „Technique and Technology“ for the lesson „Managing processes and things remotely using information and communication technologies“. In addition, the students' thoughts about the use of the micro:bit in class were revealed.



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