• Mile Lj Despotovic Visoka medicinska skola strukovnih studija Cuprija



Cilj. Ishrana ima ključni značaj za rast i razvoj svakog pojedinca. Kolektivna ishrana studentske populacije predstavlja važan segment zdravog načina ishrane i predmet je interesovanja obrazovnih i zdravstvenih ustanova, ali i čitavog društva. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti navike u ishrani studentske populacije i ispitati razlike u odnosu na pol.

Metod. Istraživanje je dizajnirano kao studija preseka. Epidemiološka anketa sprovedena je na Visokoj medicinskoj i poslovno-tehnološkoj školi strukovnih studija u Šapcu. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 100 studenata sa tri studijska programa: Zdravstvena nega, Farmacija i Informacione tehnologije. Kao instrument istraživanja korišćen je anketni upitnik konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja, koji sadrži 20 pitanja.

Rezultati. Većina ispitanika (78%) bila je je ženskog pola. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika svakodnevno doručkuje 75%, kuvani obrok ima 46%, povrće u ishrani konzumira 50%, dok samo 12% ispitanika nema u ishrani zastupljene gazirane napitke i grickalice. Između osoba muškog i ženskog pola postoje statistički značajne razlike u vrsti voća koje konzumiraju (χ2=3,889; df =1; p=0,049), navikama u dosoljavanju hrane (χ2=7,868; df =3; p=0,049), konzumiranju brze hrane (χ2=12,564; df =3; p=0,006) i fizičkoj aktivnosti (χ2=31,098; df =2; p=0,000) u prilog osoba muškog pola. Statistički značajna razlika između polova nađena je i u učestalosti konzumiranja slatkiša (χ2=10,498; df =3; p=0,015) u prilog osoba ženskog pola.

Zaključak. Rezultati ove studije ukazuju da studenti nemaju dovoljno zdravih navika u ishrani. Potrebno je razviti programe i strategije koji bi integrisali sve segmente društva za usvajanje zdravih stilova života.

Ključne reči: ishrana, studentska populacija, navike, zdravlje, obrok.


Aim. Nutrition has a key significance in the growth and development of every individual. Collective nutrition of the student population represents an important segment of a healthy nutrition and is the subject of interest of educational and health institutions but also the society as well. The aim of this paper is to examine the nutrition habits of  the student population and examine the differences according to gender.

Method. There search was designed as a cross-sectional study. The epidemiological survey was conducted at Higher Medical and Business-technological School of Applied Studies in Šabac. The research included 100 students from three study programs: Health care, Pharmacy and Information technology. As a research instrument a survey questionnaire was used made for the purpose of this research, contains 20 questions.

Results. Most examinees(78%) were female. Out of the total number of examinees 75% has breakfast every day, 46% has a cooked meal, 50% eats vegetables in their nutrition, 12% does not drink sodas and does not eat snacks. Between the males and females there is a significant statistical difference in the type of fruit they consume (χ2=3.889; df =1; p=0.049), habit of adding salt to their food (χ2=7.868; df =3; p=0.049), eating fast food (χ2=12,564; df =3; p=0,006) and exercising (χ2=31.098; df =2; p=0.000) in favour of the male gender. Statistically important difference was found between the genders in frequent eating sweets (χ2=10.498; df =3; p=0.015) in favour of the female gender.

Conclusion. Results of this study show that students do not have enough healthy habits in their nutrition. It is necessary to develop programmes and strategies that would integrate all the society segments for adopting healthy life styles.

Key words: nutrition, student population, habits, health, meal.


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