A case study approach was adopted to analyse the pharmacological management of clinical cases of acute ischaemic stroke subsequent to initial drug treatment administered in the acute setting.
The study was conducted in a tertiary care University hospital, Clinical Centre, Kragujevac, Serbia, during August 2013, in which the rationale of drug prescribing was evaluated in eight cases. The drugs administered were assessed whether they were in accordance with the recommendations by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines. Appropriate drugs such as aspirin were noted to be used in the management of most cases and this was in conformation to these guidelines. Variations from these recommendations included the use of vitamin supplements with antioxidant properties, iron supplements, antibiotics, benzodiazepenes, ranitidine, aminophylline and risperidone. An appropriate indication for these drugs to be administered was neither established.
This study showed that there were instances where an inappropriate route of administration was used.
The noted variations from the recommended guidelines were not justified thus leading to inappropriate drug use and suboptimal care. These can be minimised by clear and precise diagnostic data and conformity to guidelines.
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