Keywords: Schools, Dental, Oral Health, Dental Care,



Caries is a multicausal, progressivе, irreversible disease of infectious origin, often occuring in school children and being a major socioeconomic problem. The aim of this review was to emphasize the socioeconomic importance of tooth decay and to stress the role of school dental care in prevention of caries and provision of good oral health in school children.

Nowadays, it is considered that in developed countries the problem with dental decay has been resolved, but in underdeveloped and rural areas caries is still increasing. Possible reasons for such situation are lack of pediatric dental offices in schools of rural regions (meaning a greater distance to a dentist), improperly organized school dental care, insufficient dental health awareness of parents, inappropriate role models, as well as lower socio-economic status.

School dental care is one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of implementation of oral prevention programs. A children`s dentists in school dental clinics are able to offer not only necessary dental care interventions, but also appropriate information on factors that could improve or endanger oral health. Balanced diet, regular and properly exercised oral hygiene, use of fluorides, motivation and re-motivation, as well as regular dental check-ups, are principal elements for preservation of good dental and oral health.




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Review Paper