Models of Anaylzing the Influence of Factors on Forming Profit Rate

  • Klara S. Jakovčević Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Ekonomski fakultet u Subotici, Departman za menadžment
  • Otilija Sedlak Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Ekonomski fakultet u Subotici
Keywords: Revenue, Costs, Profit, Factoring, Enterprise, Economics,


The analysis in this paper is focused on identifying the impact of individual factors on the elements of the profit rate. The primary aim of this work is a methodological overview of solutions for understanding the full content of the profit rate as a cause of economic quality as well as indicators of the results of reproduction. Application of model analysis of profit rate factors was performed in an enterprise from Serbia that manufactures construction materials from baked clay. The aim is of application is to test the range in determining elements and factors of economic success of the enterprise, and quantification of changes in its assumptions. The results are useful guideline for the management to take organizational measures to increase the economic success of the enterprise. This means eliminating the negative, emphasizing the positive impact of objectively, and organizational factors to make higher economic success. Based on empirical research, it could be concluded that the proposed quantitative models of analyzing the dynamics of enterprise business quality could be applied in practice.

Author Biography

Klara S. Jakovčević, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Ekonomski fakultet u Subotici, Departman za menadžment


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