Measles outbreak in Nišava and Toplica Districts from 2017 to 2018

  • Nataša Rančić Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Miodrag Stojanović Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Nikola Milenković
  • Miodrag Perović
  • Ivana Janićijević Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Marina Kostić Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Marko Stojanović Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Marko Jovanović Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Aleksandra Ignjatović Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
  • Marija Anđelković Apostolović Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš
Keywords: measles, outbreak, vaccination status, vaccination caverage, complications



Introduction. Measles was the leading cause of death among children under 5 years of age before the introduction of obligatory vaccination.

The objective of the paper was to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the affected in the large measles outbreak in 2017-2018 in the Nišava and Toplica Districts.

Material and Methods

Descriptive study was done. For the investigation of the outbreak, the general principles of the case definition of the European Union (EU) Commission Decision of 2012 were used. Laboratory investigations of initial patients were conducted at the Center for Control and Prevention of Diseases in the Institute of Public Health Niš, and all specimens were sent and were tested for anti-measles IgM/IgG antibodies in referent laboratory of the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera "Torlak" in Belgrade


A total of 1327 (584 in  males and 743 in females) cases were reported since 23 November up to 28 July 2018, when it ends. The average age was 35 years ranged from <1 year to 70 years. The highest number of patients were in the age group 30-39 years old 510 (38.4%) and the lowest number was at the age group of 15-19 years old, 34 (2.6%). Infants represented 5.3% of all affected and children from primary schools accounted for 4.4% out of all affected. One-fourth of the outbreak cases 338 (25.5%) were unvaccinated. Only 37 (2.8%) patients had received two doses of the combined vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and 50 (3.8%) received one dose. For the majority of affected, 902 (68.0%) cases vaccination status was unknown. Measles-related complications were registered in 962 (72.5%) patients. Complications were the most common in infants (92.9%) and among children 1-6 years of age (88.2%). Malnutrition was the most frequent complication (823 cases, 62.0%) followed by diarrhea (590 cases, 44.5%), pneumonia (122 cases, 9.2%) and encephalitis were reported in 1 case. Measles-related deaths in the observed outbreak were confirmed in four patients (all laboratory-confirmed, three unvaccinated and an immune compromised child). The case-fatality rate of 0.3 per 100 measles cases was determined.

Conclusion. The probable causes of this large measles outbreak were insufficient vaccination and low vaccine coverage with MMR vaccine and accumulation of a high susceptible population. Four measles-related deaths were registered. Monitoring of the vaccination status, high vaccine coverage and effectiveness of MMR vaccine are essential for the prevention of measles outbreaks.

Key words: measles, outbreak, vaccination status, vaccination coverage, complications, 




Author Biographies

Nataša Rančić, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

Specijalista epidemiologije. Sef Odseka za vakcinoprofilaksu.  Docent UNO Epidemiologija

Miodrag Stojanović, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

Vanredni profesor na predmetu Medicinska statistika i informatika. VD direktora Instituta za javno zdravlje Niš.

Nikola Milenković

Specijalista epidemiologije. Radi u Kliničkom centru Niš.

Miodrag Perović

specijalista epidemiologije.

Ivana Janićijević, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

specijalista epidemiolog

Marina Kostić, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

Specijalista epidemiologije

Marko Stojanović, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

specijalizant epidemiologije, doktoradnd epidemiologije

Marko Jovanović, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

specijalizant epidemiologije, doktorand

Aleksandra Ignjatović, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

specijalista Mediciske statistike i informatike . Docent UNO Medicinska statistiaka i informatika

Marija Anđelković Apostolović, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Institut za javno zdravlje Niš

specijalista medicinske statistike i informatike. Asistent UNO Medicinska statistika i informatika


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