• Dragan Petrović University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Danijela Vukoičić University in Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica - Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Uroš Milinčić University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Miroljub Milinčić University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: wine tourism, sustainable development, Aleksandrovac, Serbia


This paper presents the wine heritage of the municipality of Aleksandrovac, highlights the potential of wine tourism in this area and analyzes the factors that motivate and attract this selective form of tourism. The primary goal of the paper is to determine the possibility and perspectives of wine tourism development, but also the sustainable development of the municipality of Aleksandrovac, its surroundings and this part of Serbia through research, analysis and comparison. The task of the paper is to systematize the existing knowledge and define the segments of the wine tourism offer in the function of sustainable development.


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