• Romina Alkier Tomić Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka
  • Danijel Vučenović Independent Researcher
  • Vedran Milojica Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija, University in Rijeka
Keywords: gradski turizam, destinacija, grad Zagreb


In this paper authors to present the importance of city tourism as a specific form of tourism in the tourist offer, as well as the attitudes of tourists who chose the city of Zagreb as their holiday destination. They present the most relevant scientific findings in this topic, as well as the selected findings of the most recent study Attitudes and Expenditures of Tourists in Croatia TOMAS 2022/23. The results indicate tourists being mostly satisfied with the elements of Zagreb tourist offer, however, it is necessary to improve the quality of information provided about the destination, Internet access, etc. Improvement of marketing activities would improve the visibility and recognizability of tourist offer and potentially influence tourist´s decision-making process, stimulate them to visit, enjoy unique experiences and remain loyal to the destination. 

Author Biography

Vedran Milojica, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija, University in Rijeka
I am a PhD Student at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija, University in Rijeka


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