The role and significance of resilience for crisis management - towards reconceptualization
The transformation and multiplication of modern security risks have made urgent the need to change the traditional security paradigm. In addition, the accumulation of destructive potential of modern crises, their spillover into all spheres of public and private life, as well as their tendency towards the global scope, make the expediency and practical applicability of currently dominant postulates of crisis management particularly debatable. The paper starts from the hypothesis that it is necessary to improve the existing theoretical framework of crisis management, and that in the direction of achieving this goal, the focus of theorists and researchers should be on resilience. The aim of this paper is to point out the role and significance of resilience for crisis management by offering numerous possibilities of practical implications, and to encourage more intensive and in-depth elaboration of derived theoretical and empirical conclusions. In the direction of resonceptualization, the following research questions will be sought: In what way are the concepts of crisis management and resilience complementary? How can incorporating the premise of resilience into crisis management achieve a greater degree of readiness and preparedness, a more valid response to modern crises, and a faster and more effective recovery from them? Finally, what strategies are available to crisis managers and what methoological tools are suggested for measuring the degree of resilience achieved and evaluating the progress made at all stages of crisis management? By the multi-method approach, with the dominant application of content analysis and comparative analysis of relevant scientific and professional literature, the author will seek to achieve the previously presented goal of the paper.
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