The prioritization of open innovation determinants in banking

  • Vesna Tornjanski Eurobank, a.d., Serbia.
  • Sanja Marinkovic University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences
  • Maja Levi Jaksic University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences
  • Vesna Bogojevic Arsic University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Keywords: Banking, Innovation determinants, Delphi and AHP method, Open innovation, Innovation,


The research scope of the paper is prioritization of open innovation determinants in banking industry using an integrated application of qualitative and quantitative methods in the evaluation process. The research methods were implemented to compound the depth of experts’ knowledge and experience on the one hand, and the precise mathematical reasoning, on the other, thus creating the objective and accurate basis for effective decision making. The overview of determinants of open innovations in banking industry has been obtained from the literature overview and the Delphi study conducted among 51 experts from banks in Serbia. Fifteen significant determinants within five dimensions were further evaluated through AHP decision-making method to prioritize them toward the development of the open innovation in banking. The research results show that effective application of open innovation in banking lies in formal reinforcement by management to integrate innovation into organizational policies and in designing dual structures that facilitate the initiation and implementation of an innovation, i.e. building an ambidextrous organization. The research findings and results introduced in this paper can be usefully applied and widely used by both academics and practitioners who are interested in applying the open innovation concept in banking industry.

Author Biographies

Vesna Tornjanski, Eurobank, a.d., Serbia.
Vesna Tornjanski, Ph.D. student, works in financial services as a Deputy Operations and Underwriting Manager for loans at Eurobank, a.d., Serbia. She has senior level of expertise in employing best business practices, change management and optimizing business processes. She participated in more than 70 projects.
Sanja Marinkovic, University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Sanja Marinković, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. She is an author and co-author of several books and more than 60 scientific papers. Her research and teaching interests are in the fields of technology and innovation management, sustainable development and SMEs development.

Maja Levi Jaksic, University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Maja Levi-Jakšić, Ph.D., is a full professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. She has been teaching as visiting professor at universities in Greece, United Kingdom, Japan, and France. She has published more than 20 books, 80 articles and more than 90 papers in proceeding of conferences
Vesna Bogojevic Arsic, University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Vesna Bogojević-Arsić, Ph.D., is a full professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade and author of three monographs, co-author of five books and over 70 scientific papers. She teaches modules in the fields of financial markets, corporate finance, financial risk management instruments, and portfolio management.


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