Credit Scoring Using Ensemble of Various Classifiers on Reduced Feature Set

  • Shashi Dahiya Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), Department of Computer Science and Engineering.,Faridabad, India
  • S. Handa Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), Faridabad, India
  • Netra Pal Singh Management Development Institute
Keywords: Classification, Ensemble, Machine learning, Credit Scoring, Credit,


Credit scoring methods are widely used for evaluating loan applications in financial and banking institutions. Credit score identifies if applicant customers belong to good risk applicant group or a bad risk applicant group. These decisions are based on the demographic data of the customers, overall business by the customer with bank, and loan payment history of the loan applicants. The advantages of using credit scoring models include reducing the cost of credit analysis, enabling faster credit decisions and diminishing possible risk. Many statistical and machine learning techniques such as Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and Decision tree algorithms have been used independently and as hybrid credit scoring models. This paper proposes an ensemble based technique combining seven individual models to increase the classification accuracy. Feature selection has also been used for selecting important attributes for classification. Cross classification was conducted using three data partitions. German credit dataset having 1000 instances and 21 attributes is used in the present study. The results of the experiments revealed that the ensemble model yielded a very good accuracy when compared to individual models. In all three different partitions, the ensemble model was able to classify more than 80% of the loan customers as good creditors correctly. Also, for 70:30 partition there was a good impact of feature selection on the accuracy of classifiers. The results were improved for almost all individual models including the ensemble model.


Author Biography

Netra Pal Singh, Management Development Institute

Departmemt  of Information Technology/ Information Management



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