• Yuri Andrianov Volga State University of Technology
  • Alexandr Kapustin Volga State University of Technology
  • Igor Kudryavtsev Volga State University of Technology
  • Petr Fishchenko Volga State University of Technology
Keywords: collision with an obstacle, lateral stability condition, a person in a medical exoskeleton, maximum allowable velocity, system states, stationary property of a system,


The algorithm of transformation of a system states is established on the basis of applying the methods of mathematical modelling and theoretical mechanics, providing preservation of a stationary property of the system. The form and the sizes of dangerous zones for a moving exosystem (a person in a medical exoskeleton) are determined as well. This will allow to produce the maximum allowable velocity, avoiding both lateral overturning of the exosystem, and collision with obstacles during its movement.


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Original Scientific Paper