The process of loading wood assortment by the tractor-mounted hydraulic manipulator of a self-loading tractor-trailer train is considered.
Work measurements are conducted over the work of hauling self-loading tractor-trailer trains KAMAZ-43101 + KAMAZ-GKB-9383 + LV-185 at an existing logging enterprise OOO Pine. During the operations under study the hydraulic manipulator simultaneously grasped a little over than two logs on the average, the average volume of a log was about 0.28 m2, and the average volume of tree lengths being loaded equaled 0.898 m3; the boom reach of the manipulator being 5.0 m. It was experimentally established, that the load moment of the hydraulic manipulator under assortment loading, in the situation being what it was, averaged 37.84 kN·m, i.e. 42 per cent of the maximum load moment of 90 kN·m for LV-185. Thus the cross-section area of grapple tongs allows simultaneous loading a greater number of assortments: 4 against 2 under observation.
Duration of a running cycle of assortment loading is investigated. It is established, that the increase in number of assortments grasped leads to the growth of work-cycle time of the manipulator by 21 per cent, reduces necessary number of loading cycles and net time of loading of tractor-trailer trains KAMAZ-43101 + KAMAZ-GKB-9383 + LV-185 by 37 per cent.
The developed procedure of energy costs calculation for forest products loading on a tractor-trailer train and the calculation results presented as graphs allow establishing rational volume and amount of assortments loaded in a single action.
It is stated that in order to increase the efficiency of hauling self-loading tractor-trailer trains it is necessary to make loading with the boom reach of the manipulator as minimal as possible and to simultaneously grasp rational amount of assortments.
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