• Martha Leni Siregar Universitas Indonesia
  • R Jachrizal Sumabrata Universitas Indonesia
  • Andyka Kusuma Universitas Indonesia
  • Omas Bulan Samosir Universitas Indonesia
  • Silvanus Nohan Rudrokasworo Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: drive, variability, injury, MNL, road function, pedestrian crash severity, pedestrian-vehicle crash, driving environment risk factors, lighting,


Pedestrian-vehicle crashes are the results of a combination of influencing factors including the driving enviroment. This paper looks into the driving environment factors in pedestrian crashes injury levels on road links in Jakarta and the surounding cities which contribute to the city traffic generation.  The  vehicle-pedestrian accident data used were obtained from the 2016 Indonesian national police accident database covering 4,646 pedestrian accidents on road links  from Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang Selatan, Tangerang and Bekasi, Indonesia. Various factors were analyzed including crash level severity, month of occurrence, weather condition, lighting condition, road function, road class, road type, road surface condition and road status. As injury levels were categorized into slight injury, severe injury and fatal injury and it was assumed that the dependent variables which were crash injury levels could not be perfectly predicted from the independent variables, Multinomial logistic regression (MNL) was used in the analysis to predict the probability of different categories of dependent variables. It was found that the relative risks of pedestrian accident risks factors changed with different categories both in terms of fatal and severe injuries. One of the findings shows that the risk of having severe injuries would decrease by 40.2% on national roads, by 70.5% on provincial roads and by 53.5% on urban roads. The results can be expected to be referred to in the improvement of pedestrian safety level and in the development of related measures.


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