• Miroslav D. Demić Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Kragujevac
  • Djordje M Diligenski Institut Vinča, Centar za MVM
Keywords: Vibration comfort, Degradation, Vibration parameters, Vehicle,


Dynamic simulation, based on modeling, has a signifi cant role in vehicle development, especially inthe early stages of design process, when relevant parameters are being defi ned. In praxis it is usuallyassumed that vibration parameters are unchangeable, what is basically wrong. All researchesindicate that vibration parameters degrade in time of vehicle service, consequently leading to avariation of its dynamic characteristics. This paper, based on preliminary research results, attemptsto point out the necessity of taking into consideration this variation in the earliest phases of vehicledesign by its implementation in the vehicle simulation model




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Original Scientific Paper