The paper presents the results of research of the combination of knowledge in the system: suppliers - SMEs - consumers in case of SMEs in Eastern Serbia. A theoretical model of a combination of knowledge was established in the investigated system. By using the statistical analysis of the results a satisfactory statistical significance of acquired results was determined, which allowed the testing of the defined model using LISREL software package. The results show the importance of the established hypotheses for the impact of the cooperation with suppliers on a combination of knowledge, as well as the combination of knowledge of customers and suppliers on the creation of the new knowledge in SMEs. The hypothesis about the positive influence of the sharing of knowledge with customers on the combination of the knowledge in SMEs has not been proven. These facts suggest that SMEs in Serbia do not collaborate with their customers. The cause of such a situation is the lack of system quality (SQ) in the SME sector in Serbia, as well as not applying the principles of TQM practices, which provides the best explanation of the short life cycle of SMEs in Serbia and the inability of their internationalization.
Keywords: SMEs, customers, suppliers, knowledge combination, LISREL
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