• Ilya Tanryverdiev Volga State Technological University, Science and technology park, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
  • Igor Petukhov Volga State Technological University, Department of Design and Production of Electronic Systems, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
  • Luydmila Steshina Volga State Technological University, Department of Technologies of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
  • Ilya Steshin Volga State Technological University, Department of Design and Production of Electronic Computing Equipment, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
  • Pavel Kurasov Volga State University of Technology, Department of Design and Production of Computing Systems, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
  • Daniil Galkin Volga State Technological University, Department of Design and Production of Electronic Computing Equipment, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Keywords: operator, perception, sizes, shapes, virtual reality


This paper is devoted to the experimental comparison of accuracy of an operator’s perception of geometrical object sizes and shapes between the different conditions of information perception in the virtual environments and from the electronic displays. The experiments were conducted using a psychophysiological test for the accuracy of perceiving geometrical object sizes and shapes by an operator in the virtual environments and in the conditions of information perception from an electronic display. As a common metric of the accuracy of perceiving geometrical object sizes and shapes, an operator was offered to visually determine the object center of gravity. No significant differences in the measurement results of both the accuracy of perceiving geometrical object sizes and shapes and speed of this process were found based on the different methods of displaying the visual information to an operator.


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