Uslovi za prijavu rukopisa
U postupku prijavljivanja rukopisa, autor je dužan da potvrdi da rukopis zadovoljava dole navedene uslove za objavljivanje. Ako ti uslovi nisu ispunjeni, prijavljeni rukopis može biti odbijen.- Prijavljeni prilog nije prethodno objavljivan, niti se nalazi u procesu odlučivanja za objavljivanje u nekom drugom časopisu. U suprotnom, detaljno obrazloženje navodi se pod "Komentari uredniku".
- Datoteka koja sadrži rad je u Microsoft Word ili RTF formatu.
- URL adrese za Internet reference su priložene.
- Tekst je dat u jednostrukom razmaku; korišćen je font veličine 11; za isticanje je korišćen kurziv (italika), a ne podvlačenje (sem eventualno za URL adrese).
- Ilustracije, slike i tabele su smeštene na odgovarajućim mestima u tekstu, a ne kao prilog na njegovom kraju; citirana literatura je data u posebnom odeljku na kraju rada (pa i onda kada se navodi u fus-notama).
- Tekst ispunjava stilske i bibliografske zahteve navedene u Uputstva autorima, koji se nalaze u rubrici "Info"."
- Poštovano je uputstvo Kako osigurati anonimnost recenzije (ako se prilog nudi za rubriku koja podleže recenziji).
- Naveden je projekat MNTR u okviru koga je rad nastao (u dnu prve stranice članka).
- Sažeci i ključne reči dati su na dva jezika (a) srpskom i (b) engleskom, odnosno izuzetno na nekom drugom svetskom jeziku ako se taj rasprostranjeno koristi u određenoj oblasti nauke.
Original Scientific Paper
An comprehensive document that communicates new research findings and insights within a particular scientific discipline. Typically structured with sections like abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion, it serves as a formal record of a researcher's investigation. The abstract succinctly outlines the study's purpose, methods, and key outcomes. The introduction provides background information, context, and the study's objectives. The methods section details the experimental design, procedures, and data collection methods employed. Results present the obtained data, often accompanied by figures or tables, while the discussion interprets the results, explores implications, and relates findings to existing knowledge.
Review Paper
A scholarly article that synthesizes, summarizes, and evaluates existing research on a specific topic within a particular field. Unlike original research papers, reviews don't present new experimental data; instead, they provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge. These papers critically analyze and interpret findings from multiple studies, offering insights into patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature. A well-structured review typically includes an introduction framing the topic, a systematic organization of reviewed studies, critical analysis, and a conclusion that outlines the current understanding and potential directions for future research. Review papers play a crucial role in guiding researchers, students, and practitioners by presenting a consolidated view of the existing body of work on a given subject.
Book Review
A concise critique that evaluates a book's content, style, and impact. Typically includes a summary, analysis of themes, and the reviewer's perspective, aiding potential readers in assessing the book's worth.
Autorska prava
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors shall transfer the copyright to the Publisher - to the corresponding author will be forward “Copyright Transfer Agreement”, that should be signed and sent back to the Journal. Upon transfer of the copyright to the publisher, no part of the manuscript may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. If the submitted manuscript is not accepted for publication by the journal, all rights shall be retained by the author(s).
Izjava o privatnosti
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.