Impact of Genetic Polymorphisms at the Promoter area of IL-10 Gene on Tacrolimus Level in Jordanian Renal Transplantation Recipients

  • Bara’ah Khaleel Yarmouk University
  • Prof. Al-Motassem The University of Jordan
  • Dr. Mazhar AL-Zoubi Yarmouk University
  • Muhammad AL-Ulemat Royal Medical Services
  • Ahmad S Masadeh Royal Medical Services
  • Ali Abuhaliema The University of Jordan
  • Khalid M AL-Batayneh Yarmouk University
  • Bahaa Al-Trad Yarmouk University
Keywords: IL-10 genetic polymorphism; Kidney Transplantation; Pharmacokinetics; Tacrolimus.



Tacrolimus is a widely used immunosuppressant that prevents the solid organ transplant rejection. The pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus show considerable variability. interleukin-10 (IL-10), in the host’s immune response after transplantation contributes to the variable CYP3A-dependent drug disposition of Tacrolimus. In current study, our aim is to evaluate the impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the promoter region of of IL-10 on Tacrolimus dose requirements and the Dose Adjusted Concentration (DAC) of Tacrolimus among kidney transplantation recipients. 


Blood levels of Tacrolimus were measured using Micorparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA) for six months post-transplantation. Genotyping analysis was utilized using specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) followed by sequencing methods for 98 Jordanian kidney transplant recipients.


Genotyping frequencies of IL-10 (-592) were (CC/CA/AA: 38, 46.7, 15.2%); IL-10 (-819) were (CC/CT/TT: 40.4, 44.1, 15.1%); and IL-10 (-1082) were (AA/AG/GG: 42.6, 44.7, 12.8%). The impact of IL-10 (-1082) on Tacrolimus DAC was gender dependent. Men carrying at least one A allele had significantly lower DAC than men carrying GG genotyping only in the first month post-transplantation [88.2±32.1 vs. 117.5±22.5 ng/ml per mg/kg/day, p=0.04]..


Our current study showed that the interaction between gender and IL-10 -1082 affects Tacrolimus DAC in Jordanian kidney transplantation recipients during the first month post-transplantation.

Author Biographies

Bara’ah Khaleel, Yarmouk University

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.


Prof. Al-Motassem, The University of Jordan

Department of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.


Dr. Mazhar AL-Zoubi, Yarmouk University

Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine ,Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.


Muhammad AL-Ulemat, Royal Medical Services

Pharmacy Department, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan


Ahmad S Masadeh, Royal Medical Services

Pharmacy Department, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan.


Ali Abuhaliema, The University of Jordan

Department of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.


Khalid M AL-Batayneh, Yarmouk University

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.


Bahaa Al-Trad, Yarmouk University

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.



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