English Constructing the Muslim Threat: A Critical Analysis of Marine Le Pen’s Twitter Posts During the 2017 French Election Campaign

  • Adis Maksic International Burch University
  • Nihad Ahmić International Burch University


In recent years, the radical right-wing has been gaining ground in international politics. This analysis seeks to advance scholarly understandings of a major theme of right-wing discourse in Europe, the portrayal of Muslims as a threatening ethnoreligious other. It focuses on the Twitter activity of Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French right-wing National Rally (called National Front at the time) and former presidential candidate. Building on original research that extracted hundreds of tweets posted during the 2017 French presidential elections campaign, the study subjects 110 most popular tweets to a critical analysis. It shows that Le Pen’s discourse worked to amplify prejudices and existential fears in ways that could appeal both to the radicals and the mainstream, thus creating demand for a national saviour.

Biografija autora

Adis Maksic, International Burch University

 Assistan Professor Dr. Adis Maksić is currently Head of Department of International Relations and European Studies at International Burch University in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Adis holds a Ph.D. in Planning, Governance, and Globalization from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the United States of America. In November 2014, he defended an award-winning dissertation entitled “Mobilizing for Ethnic Violence? Ethno-national Political Parties and the Dynamics of Ethno-politicization,” which examined the role of national movements in the ethno-political conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia.

     Later, Prof. Maksić transformed his dissertation into a widely acknowledged book, “Ethnic Mobilization, Violence, and the Politics of Affect: the Serb Democratic Party and the Bosnian War,” and published it with Palgrave Macmillan in 2017. He has also authored or coauthored several articles in notable academic journals that examined the mobilizing power of ethno-nationalist discourses in both pre-war and post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. His ongoing research examines the role of political agency in nationalist mobilizations in the Balkans and the Caucuses.

     At the Department, Prof. Maksić lectures the following B.A. level courses: Classical Political Thought / Philosophy, Contemporary Foreign Policy, Contemporary Political Thought / Philosophy, Ethnicity and Cultural Politics, Foundations of International Relations, and Great Power Politics. Prof. Maksic also lectures Graduate level seminars and MA course Conflict Prevention.


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