Effects of Integrative Teaching Method on Nature and Society Lessons for Students of the Fourth Grade of Primary School from the Kosovo and Metohija
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of integrative teaching methods on student knowledge. The study incorporated an ecological approach to nature and society education intertwined with elements of art and culture. Conducted over two months from October to December 2021, the research involved 67 students from three schools in North and Central Kosovo and Metohija. Predominantly comprising girls (62.7%) and excellent students (62.7%), with the highest grades in the subject of Nature and Society (80.60%), the experimental design included an initial test, followed by two months of integrative teaching, and concluded with a final test. Both tests featured comparable question quantity and difficulty. The findings indicate improved performance among students in the final test, encompassing aspects of Reproduction, Comprehension, and Application.
49(2), 14-15.
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