The importance of oral praxis in the development of speech sounds in preschool

  • Ana Madzar Cancar Faculty of Medicine Foča, University of East Sarajevo
  • Sladjana Calasan Faculty of Medicine Foča, University of East Sarajevo
  • Bojana Vukovic Faculty of Medicine Foča, University of East Sarajevo
Keywords: articulation, oral praxis, preschool children


Articulation refers to the correct pronunciation of the sounds of the native language. The production of intelligible speech requires fine coordination and precision of oral muscle movements. Given that the efficient activity of the orofacial muscles is crucial for proper articulation, the aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the inability to perform certain motor patterns and the incorrect pronunciation of sounds. The sample consisted of 63 children of both genders, aged 4 to 6 years. Oral Praxis Test and the Global Articulation Test were used. The research was conducted at the “Čika Jova Zmaj” kindergarten in Foča during November 2023. The results of the study show a significant correlation between the inability to perform the motor pattern of “chattering” and the pronunciation of the sound Š (Cramér's V = 0.009), the sound Ž (Cramér's V = 0.049), the sound DŽ (Cramér's V = 0.014), the sound Ć (Cramér's V = 0.017), and the sound C (Cramér's V = 0.008), as well as between the inability to perform the motor pattern of tongue fluttering and the incorrect pronunciation of the sound R (Cramér's V = 0.047). It was also found that an alarmingly high percentage (68.3%) of preschool children have articulation disorders.

Keywords: articulation, oral praxis, preschool children


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