The Use of GIS Methodology in Jumping Plant Lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidae) Studies in Serbia

  • Dušanka Jerinić-Prodanović Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
  • Goran Prodanovic Vojno Geografski Institut
Keywords: Serbia, Geospital analysis, Database, Natural enemies, Psylloidea, Jumping plant lice, GIS,


Entomofaunistic studies contain a large number of data regarding the number of collected species, the number of individuals within species, time of collection, localities, species biology and morphology natural enemies and hosts. Besides thematic and temporal components this kind of studies include spatial component which is crucial for the use of GIS methodology and advanced possibilities of geospatial analysis. During our studies on jumping plant lice (Psylloidea) fauna and their natural enemies on the territory of Serbia which lasted for several years, a large number of spatially referenced data related to this group of insects were collected. The process of collecting, archiving and classifying the data on each species was improved by applying the GIS methodological approach after which the data were entered into database. The analysis of data using thematic and spatial queries, as well as graphic, numeric and textual display of the results from studies enabled simpler and more complete survey of horizontal and vertical distribution of jumping plant lice, their biology and relationship with plants, predators and parasitoids.

Author Biographies

Dušanka Jerinić-Prodanović, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
Zaposlena sam na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu, odsek za fitomedicini. Trenutnio sam u zvanju asistenta.
Goran Prodanovic, Vojno Geografski Institut
Oficir geodetske sluzbe.
How to Cite
Jerinić-Prodanović, D., & Prodanovic, G. (2012). The Use of GIS Methodology in Jumping Plant Lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidae) Studies in Serbia. Pesticides and Phytomedicine / Pesticidi I Fitomedicina, 27(1).
Original Scientific Paper