Improvement of rodent pest control strategy: II - Response of wild brown rats to baits containing preservative previously exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions
Control of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) is an indispensable measure of protection of
human population and domestic animals, aimed at preventing the spread of infectious
diseases, and a measure of protection of goods and commodities that the brown rat
can damage by its presence and activities. Rodent control procedures in environments
with unfavourable conditions, such as high temperature and humidity, may fail due to
reduced bait palatability caused by its degradation. Baits were prepared based on OEPP/
EPPO recommendations, while ECHA recommendation was followed for bait exposure to
unfavourable environmental conditions. Placebo baits were prepared by mixing ground
maize grain and paraffin. Test baits, made by mixing the placebo bait with sorbic acid, were
exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions (temperature 30-35 ⁰C and humidity
90-95%). Brown rats previously captured from a wild population were used as the test
organism. After an acclimation period, the animals were subjected to a four-day choice
feeding test in which they were simultaneously offered placebo and test baits. The average
bait palatability was unchanged, and the palatability of bait containing the preservative was
48.85 %. Furthermore, the preservative had no influence on bait consumption, compared
to baits in the pre-test period, as there was no statistical difference in total amounts of bait
consumed in the tests. The results indicate that 1% sorbic acid can be used as a potentially
good additive to baits that are planned to be used in sewage systems and other areas where
unfavorable environmental conditions prevail and there is a risk of rapid mold development
and bait decay.
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