Weevils of the genus Ceutorhynchus Germ associated with oilseed rape in northern Serbia
Our research of the genus Ceutorhynchus associated with oilseed rape was conducted
in northern parts of Serbia (Stari Žednik, Subotica). A specific assemblage of eight weevil
species was found. The most numerous were stem weevils Ceutorhynchus napi with 81% of all trapped specimens, followed by C. pallidactylus with 18%. The remaining six weevil specimens were C. obstrictus, C.erysimi, C. minutus, C. picitarsis, C. sulcicollis and C. typhae, comprising 1% of all trapped insects. Stem weevils C. napi and C. pallidactylus began to immigrate into the oilseed rape fields in autumn, as early as November 10 (BBCH 17-18). The maximum flight was recorded at the beginning of oilseed rape stem elongation (BBCH 22-25) on March 23. A new generation of C. pallidactylus emerged from oilseed rape fields in June (BBCH 76-88), while individual specimens occurred during the autumn. The majority of C. napi emerged in March next year, sporadically until May 7. As a consequence of C. napi dominance insecticide treatment should be performed earlier than usual, i.e. when C. pallidactilus is the primary target.
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