Herbicides in surface water bodies - behaviour, effects on aquatic organisms and risk assessment
Pesticides play a very important role in reducing losses and maintaining quality in crop
production. Although positive effects of pesticide use are undeniable, adverse effects
are frequent. This has led to a comprehensive reevaluation of the benefits of pesticide
use and potential adverse effects on human health and the environment before placing
them on the market. The fact that pesticides are designed to be toxic and are deliberately
introduced into the environment, makes them a very important and strictly regulated
group of pollutants. The most commonly used group of pesticides are herbicides, and
their detection in surface water bodies has been repeatedly reported. In spite of being
designed to be toxic to target species, adverse effects on other inhabitants of aquatic
environments have also been observed. In order to prevent negative environmental effects,
the registration process for active substances and plant protection products involves
predictive environmental risk assessments (ERA). Reliable assessment of long-term effects
on non-target species, natural populations and ecosystems is a priority and ERA process
is constantly being improved.
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