Scientific Journal Agricultural Engineering publishes scientific papers that present results of fundamental and applied research which significantly improve and develop the following areas:

- Agricultural machinery and equipment;
- Biotechnical and biosystems engineering;
- Electronics and informatics in plant and livestock production;
- Geographic information systems (GIS) and Remote sensing (RS) in agriculture;
- Agricultural buildings and constructions;
- Technical systems in Plant production;
- Housing and technical systems in Livestock husbandry;
- Precision agriculture;
- Energy in agriculture;
- Processing and control;
- Agricultural pollution control and environmental protection;
- Processing and recycling of agricultural wastes;
- Renewable energy resources in agriculture;
- Energy efficiency of technical systems in agriculture;
- Measurement techniques in agriculture;
- Exploitation of agricultural machinery;
- Management of agricultural engineering;
- Technology of Soil preparations and protections of Land-Water resources in Ag. productions;
- Plant production in protected areas (glasshouses/greenhouses);
- Safety and reliability of technical systems in agriculture;
- Safety in the exploitation of agricultural machinery;
- Causes and consequences of accidents in the operation of agricultural machinery;
- Protection and measures for controlling human health in the use of agricultural technology;
- Ergonomy in Agriculture;
- Diagnostic, maintenance and reparation of Agricultural machinery and equipment;
- Technical systems in the process of Soil irrigation and drainage.


On this page you can find detailed instructions for preparation of your manuscript.

Completely formatted template for entering: text, tables, graphics and figures can be downloaded here.

Original scientific paper should contain: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References.

The text, maximum 10 pages, including full text, tables, graphic, figures, etc., should be prepared on the A4 format paper (210 × 297 mm), prepare exclusively in MS office. . Margins: Top - 53 mm, Bottom - 53 mm, Left - 42 mm, Right - 42 mm. Paper should be typed in font - Times New Roman, font size - 10 pt, line spacing - Single, alignment - Justified, indentation - First line (0.63 cm).

Titles, Subtitles and Authors

Paper title, names of authors and subtitles should be centered. Write the paper title in UPPERCASE LETTERS, font size 12, bold.

Write I (first) level subtitles in UPPERCASE LETTERS, font size 10, bold/centered. Write II (second) level subtitles in lowercase letters, font size 10, bold/ centered.

Enter authors and coauthors full first names and family names without titles and affiliations, in lowercase letters, font size 10, bold/centered.

Enter the authors addresses in lowercase letters, font size 10, italic/centered. Mark each name with the number in superscript behind, to connect it to the corresponding institution. Only for the contact author (marked with asterisk) additionally note the e-mail address in footnote. Authors institutions need to be given in full official title and place, including all hierarchy for multi level institutions or consisting units (e.g. University of ... – Faculty of ... – Institute of ... – Department of ... - Laboratory of ... ) (10 pt italic/centered).


The paper must have an abstract of 100 to 250 words, supplying general information about the objectives of the paper, experimental techniques, methods applied, significant results, and conclusions. Do not use tables, charts, figures and literature citations. Abstract is followed by maximum 10 key words, separated by commas (font 10pt, italic).

For spacing use only empty rows in the following cases: before and after subtitle, between the title and authors names, between authors names and authors addresses, before and after the table or figure title, after table or figure.

Material and Methods

Use only the units from SI system. Words and abbreviations from Latin language should be written in italic letters (Zea mays L.). Symbols for variables, marks, labels, etc. must be identical in the text, equations, figures, tables and nomenclature. Variables must be in italic style.

Numeration of tables, charts, figures, photos etc. (high resolution and contrast) should be included in text (Tab. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). Table numeration and title should be inserted above the table. Table borders should be normal style continuous lines - Line Weight ½. Text in tables - tnr, Font size 9 pt. Figures and charts should also be numerated (Graph. 1). Numbers and titles should be entered below the chart or figure (Fig. 1). Give the title and numeration in italic style.

Results and Discussion

References should be numbered in brackets in the order of appearance in the text, e. g. [1], [3, 4], [7-11], etc. The full references should be listed at the end of the paper in numerical order of citation in the text.

All equations, formulas, and expressions should be numbered in parentheses e. g. (1), with right alignment, in the order of appearance in the text, and must be centered with one line left above and below.

Also, equations, formulas, and expressions should be referenced within the text with eq. or formula or expression, with corresponding number in parentheses, as eq. (5). Equations should be written in equation editor (MS Equation 3.0 or Mathtype) with the basic font size - tnr 10 pt.


Please check once again if you have formatted your full paper according to the given instructions.


Do not list the titles of the literature that is not cited in tekst. References - font tnr 9 pt, numeration with numbers in brackets. Format the listed titles as follows:

[1] Last name of Author 1, Initial of authors 1 First name., Author2 I., Author3 I. Year. Title of the paper, in original language only (do not translate in English). Full title of the journal, Volume number (Issue /Part number), Page numbers.
[2] Last name of Author/Editor 1, Initial of authors 1 First name., Author2 I., Author3 I. Year. Title of the book. Edition. Place: Publisher.
[3] Chapter author(s) surname(s) and initials. Year of chapter. Title of chapter followed by In: Book editor(s) initials and surnames with ed. or eds. after the last name. Year of the book. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher. Chapter number or first and last page numbers followed by full-stop.
Web site:
[4] Author, Year, Title. [type of medium] Place of publication: Publisher. Followed by “Available through:” include e-book source/database, web address or URL [Accessed date].


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The review sheet is here .

The list of Reviewers for 2020. is here .