Borderlajn tumor-prikaz slučaja

  • Mile Lj Despotovic Visoka medicinska skola strukovnih studija Cuprija


UVOD: Granično-maligni (“Borderline“) tumori jajnika su najčešće seroznog ili mucinoznog tipa i čine od 1 do 15% svih epitelnih tumora. Ovi  tumori se karakterišu niskim malignim potencijalom i najčešće se dijagnostikuju kada dostignu značajnu veličinu, pri čemu uzrokuju abdominalni bol ili distenziju trbuha. Zlatni standard u dijagnostici tumora  jajnika predstavlja patohistološki nalaz dobijen pregledom tumorskog tkiva koje je hirurški odstranjeno.

Prikaz slučaja: Pacijentkinja LJ. D., starosti 73 godine, javila se u ambulantu urgentne medicine Opšte bolnice u Ćupriji, sa jakim abdominalnim bolovima, uvećanjem abdomena, opstipacijom u trajanju dužem od 7 dana i smetnjama pri mokrenju, odakle je sa uputnom dijagnozom: Dolor abdominalis inferior, upućena na odeljenje Ginekologije i akušerstva. Nedelju dana pre prijema bila je hospitalizovana na odeljenju urologije zbog sumnje na tumor mokraćne bešike. Ginekološkim pregledom utvrdjeno je da malu karlicu ispunjava tumefakt, trbušni zid je iznad ravni grudnog koša, palpabilna tumorska masa do iznad pupka. Dodatnim dijagnostičkim procedurama je potvrđeno prisustvo tumora i izveden je operativni zahvat. Zaključak: Hirurški tretman predstavlja terapiju izbora u lečenju tumora jajnika, a oblik hirurškog pristupa zavisi od starosne dobi žene, opšteg stanja, želje za očuvanjem fertilne sposobnosti i stadijuma bolesti. U lečenju pacijentkinje čiji je sučaj prikazan, primenjen radikalni hirurški zahvat.


Ključne reči: Granično-maligni (borderline) tumor jajnika, mucinozni cistadenom, prikaz slučaja


: Borderline ovarian tumors are most commonly serous or mucinous and account for 1 to 15% of all epithelial tumors. These tumors are characterized by low malignant potential and are most often diagnosed when they reach significant size, causing abdominal pain or distension of the abdomen. The gold standard in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors is a pathohistological finding obtained by examination of tumor tissue that has been surgically removed.

Case Report: Patient LJ. D., aged 73, reported to the Emergency Medicine Clinic of the General Hospital in Cuprija, with severe abdominal pain, enlargement of the abdomen, prolongation longer than 7 days, and urinary incontinence, with the following diagnosis: Dolor abdominalis inferior, sent to Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. One week before her admission, she was hospitalized at the urology department because of suspicion of a bladder tumor. A gynecological examination revealed that a tumor fills the small pelvis; the abdominal wall is above the chest wall, palpable tumor mass above the navel. Additional diagnostic procedures confirmed the presence of tumors and surgery was performed.

Conclusion: Surgery is a treatment therapy for the treatment of ovarian tumors, and the form of surgical approach depends on the age of the woman, the general condition, the desire to preserve fertility and the stage of the disease. In the treatment of a patient whose case was shown, a radical surgical procedure was applied.

Key words: Borderline Ovarian Neoplasms, mucinous cystaden, case report



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