Introduction: Caries is a widespread chronic, progressive disease of hard dental tissues with complex etiology and multiple causes. The aim of this paper is to investigate prevalence of deciduous teeth caries of children aged 6-7 years from the Kragujevac city area.
Material and methods: In this study the data from 365 children were reviewed during the year 2011; 114 children came from suburban and 251 from urban settlements in Kragujevac. The study was based on the data obtained from previously conducted preventive program during systematic dental examination before enrollment of the children in school. Caries prevalence was analyzed using caries index of persons (cip), the decayed, missing and filled teeth index (dmft) and its components, caries index of teeth (cit), caries index average (cia) and Significant Caries Index (SiC).
Results: The overall prevalence of deciduous teeth caries among participants was 96.09% and from the total number of examined deciduous teeth 45.06% were decayed. The overall mean dmft index was 8.45, with the following mean values of its components: 83.99% decayed, 10.23% extracted and 5.78% filled teeth. The overall mean cia index was 8.19, and SiC index 11.43. The mean values of all indices were compared for urban and suburban areas and there was no statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: The results show high prevalence of dental caries of deciduous teeth in children aged 6-7 years from the Kragujevac city area, thus indicating the need for serious further work on a program of preventative dental health care and its enforcement.
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