• Aleksandra Dutina Clinic for Psychiatric Disorders "Dr Laza Lazarevic", Belgrade
  • Ivana Z Stašević - Karličić Klinika za psihijatrijske bolesti Dr laza Lazarević, Beograd, Odeljenje intenzivne nege I, Urgentna psihijatrijska služba
  • Milena Stašević
  • Igor Grbić
  • Jelena Djordjevic
Keywords: Rett syndrome, growth, Scoliosis, epileptic seizures,


Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental di­sorder caused by mutation in the gene MECP2 on the X chromosome. The main clinical cha­racteristics are breathing disorders, epileptic seizu­res, scoliosis, walking disability and consti­pation with frequent growth failure and malnu­trition. Our transversal study included 29 female patients with Rett syndrome treated in the Insti­tute for Mother and Child Health Care ''Dr Vu­kan Čupić'' in Belgrade. The patients were anthropometrically measured by their height and weight and caluculating body mass index. The degree of scolisios, the frequency of epileptic seizures, walking ability and grade of respiratory dysfunction were assessed based on the clinical scales for disease severity estimation. The stati­stical data analysis was done in the software pac­kage PASW Statistics 18. The average age of the patients was 145.5±90.1 months. The average height was 125.2±22.1cm, the average weight 27.6±12.3 kg, and the average body mass index was 16.6±3.5 kg/m2. The average z scores for height, weight and BMI-for-age were statistically significantly lower in comparison to general po­pulation, which is given with negative z scores. There was the statistically significant negative coorelation between the age of patients and the average z scores for height-for-age (r=- 0.464 p=0.011), weight-for-age (r=-0.433 p=0.019) and BMI-for-age (r=-0.433 p=0.019). The statistically significant negative coorelation was found between the degree of scoliosis and the average z scores for height and weight-for-age, but not with the average z score for BMI-for-age.

The growth failure and malnutrition repre­sent significant problems which are found in Rett syndrome. The detection of factors affecting the growth and nutrition in patients with Rett syndrome could greatly contribute to the impro­vement of the quality of life in the patients with Rett syndrome and perhaps lead to the correction of the approach of symptomatic and supportive therapy.

Author Biography

Ivana Z Stašević - Karličić, Klinika za psihijatrijske bolesti Dr laza Lazarević, Beograd, Odeljenje intenzivne nege I, Urgentna psihijatrijska služba
Doktor medicine, specijalista psihijatrije i sudske psihijatrije


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Original Scientific Paper