• Ksenija Z Kojičić Univerzitet u Kragujevcu Fakultet medicinskih nauka Integrisane akademske studije farmacije
Keywords: inappropriate prescribing, risk factors, elderly, grounded theory,


Prescribing of drugs could be considered inappropriate if a drug and dose selected bear unbeneficial benefit/harm ratio to the patient (PIP - Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing), as well as if a drug that the patient nedded was not prescribed (PPO - Potential Prescribing Omissions). This is a major public health problem, since it carries risk to the patient due to adverse drug effects, interactions or complications, but also creates major economic burden for both the patient and the healthcare system.

The study was designed as a qualitative research method based on the principles of grounded theory. In order to obtain data, interviews were conducted with each of the respondents.

Main factors that predispose for inappropriate prescribing in the elderly are: poor communication (physician - patient, physician - physician, physician - pharmacist), habits of physicians and patients, polypharmacy, lack of motivation, lack of time and avoidance of reference texts.

High prevalence of inappropriate prescribing is unacceptable and unjustifiable. It is necessary to use the guidelines, established criteria, relevant and official publications during prescribing and administration of drugs, which should be regular supplement to clinical experience.


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