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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

For all information about Sanamed please visit www.sanamed.rs

Before submitting their paper to the Editorial Office of Sanamed journal, authors should read the Instructions for Authors, where they will find all the necessary information on writing their manuscript in accordance with the journal's standards. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscript according to established specifications, as failure to do so will result in the paper being delayed or rejected. 

The arrived manuscript is sent to reviewers for expert assessment by the Editorial Board. If reviewers propose changes or amendments, copies of reviews are submitted to authors with a request to enter the required changes to the text or explain their disagreement with the remarks of the reviewer. The final decision of acceptance for publishing is given by the Editor in chief.

The journal is published in English, with the summary translated into Serbian.

Sanamed journal publishes papers that have not been, either in their entirety or partially, previously published, and that have not been accepted for publication elsewhere.  Sanamed journal publishes papers in English. The journal publishes the following article types: editorials, original papers, preliminary and short communications, case reports, review articles, current topics, articles for practitioners, history of medicine articles, medical ethics (clinical ethics, publication ethics), congress and scientific meeting reports, , invited commentaries, letters to the editor, book reviews, professional news, In memoriam and other articles.

The papers are always submitted with Abstract in both English and Serbian, included in the manuscript file. Foreign authors submit papers only in English  Generic names should be exclusively used for the names of drugs. Devices (apparatuses, instruments) are termed by trade names, while their name and place of production should be indicated in the brackets. If a letter-number combination is used, the number should be precisely designated in superscript or subscript (i.e., 99Tc, IL-6, O2, B12, CD8). If something is commonly written in italics, such as genes (e.g. BRCA1), it should be written in this manner in the paper as well.

If a paper is a part of a master's or doctoral thesis, or a research project, that should be designated in a separate note at the end of the text. Also, if the article was previously presented at any scientific meeting, the name, venue and time of the meeting should be stated, as well as the manner in which the paper had been published (e.g. changed title or abstract).

CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT. The manuscript must be accompanied by a disclosure statement from all authors declaring any potential interest or stating that the authors have no conflict of interest. Conflict of interest statement form must be signed by all authors and submitted with the manuscript.

AUTHORSHIP. All individuals listed as authors should be qualified for authorship. Every author should have participated sufficiently in writing the article in order to take responsibility for the whole article and results presented in the text..The authors should enclose the description of contribution to the article of every co-author individually (at the end of the manuscript).

PLAGIARISM.  All manuscripts have been submitted to Cross Check (software iThenticate) for plagiarism and auto-plagiarism control. 

Author-Invited Reviewers: The submitting author is required to invite a minimum of 3 individuals with requisite domain knowledge to review the article. Prior to the forwarding of a review invitation, each author-submitted reviewer is carefully vetted by Sanamed editorial staff with a specific focus on relevant scientific expertise. Please send information about the proposed reviewers with the manuscript, as an appendix (name, title, affiliation, email, short cv)

Sanamed invited reviewers: In addition to author-invited reviewers, Sanamed editorial staff will select members of the Sanamed review board to review articles within their area of specialty. Two completed reviews are required to satisfy peer review and one of these reviews must be from a Sanamed-invited reviewer. Sanamed editors will reject reviews that do not include constructive feedback.


Text of the paper should be typed in a word processing program Word, written in Latin, double-spaced, only in Times New Roman font size 12 points. All margins should be set at 25 mm, and the text should be typed with the left alignment and paragraph indentations of 10 mm, without dividing the words.

The manuscript should be arranged as following: title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, patients and methods/material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, tables, figure legends and figures.

Each manuscript component (title page, etc.) begins on a separate page. All pages are numbered consecutively beginning with the title page.

References in the text are designated with Arabic numerals in parentheses, and the order in which they appear in the text.

Manuscript volume

 The complete manuscript, which includes title page, short abstract, the text of the article, literature, all figures and permissions for them and legends (tables, images, graphs, diagrams, drawings), title page and abstract in English, can have the length up to 5000 words for original articles, review articles and articles on history of medicine, while for patient presentation, practice paper, educative article it can be up to 3000 words, and other papers can be up to 1500 words.

The word count check in a document can be done in Word processor program in submenu Tools Word Counter File Properties Statistics.

All measurements, except blood pressure, are reported in the System International (SI) and, if necessary, in conventional units (in parentheses). Generic names are used for drugs. Brand names may be inserted in parentheses.

Title page 

The title page contains the title, short title, full names of all the authors, names and full location of the department and institution where work was performed, acknowledgments, abbreviations used, and name of the corresponding author. The title of the article is concise but informative, and it includes animal species if appropriate. A subtitle can be added if necessary.

A short title of less than 50 spaces, for use as a running head, is included.

A brief acknowledgment of grants and other assistance, if any, is included.

A list of abbreviations used in the paper, if any, is included. List abbreviations alphabetically followed by an explanation of what they stand for. In general, the use of abbreviations is discouraged unless they are essential for improving the readability of the text.

The name, telephone number, fax number, and exact postal address of the author to whom communications and reprints should be sent, are typed at the lower right corner of the title page.

Abstract page

An abstract of less than 400 words concisely states the objective, findings, and conclusion of the studies described in the manuscript. The abstract does not contain abbreviations, footnotes or references. Below the abstract, 3 to 8 keywords or short phrases are provided for indexing purposes.


The structure of work

All headings are written in capital letters and bold.

Original work should have the following headings: introduction, aim, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references.

A case report include: introduction, case report, discussion, references.

Review of the literature includes an introduction, subheadings, conclusion, references.


Patients and methods/Material and methods

 The selection of patients or experimental animals, including controls is described. Patients’ names and hospital numbers are not used.

Methods are described in sufficient detail to permit evaluation and duplication of the work by other investigators.

When reporting experiments on human subjects, it should be indicated whether the procedures followed were in accordance with ethical standards of the Committee on human experimentation of the institution in which they were done and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Hazardous procedures or chemicals, if used, are described in detail, including the safety precautions observed. When appropriate, a statement is included verifying that the care of laboratory animals followed the accepted standards.

Statistical methods used, are outlined.



Results are clear and concise, and include a minimum number of tables and figures necessary

for proper presentation.



An exhaustive review of literature is not necessary. The major findings should be discussed in relation to other published works. Attempts should be made to explain differences between results of the present study and those of the others. The hypothesis and speculative statements should be clearly identified. The discussion section should not be a restatement of results, and new results should not be introduced in the discussion.



References are identified in the text by Arabic numerals in parentheses. They are numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. Number of references should not exceed 30, except in the literature review, which is allowed to be to 50. Avoid using abstracts as references and abstract older than two years are not cited. References are cited by the so-called Vancouver rules, which are based on formats that use the National Library of Medicine and Index Medicus.

The reference list is the responsibility of the authors. Cited articles should be readily accessible to the journal's readership. Therefore, following each reference, its DOI number should be typed. References should be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of citation in the text. The majority of the cited articles should not be older than five years.

 The following are examples:

1.Article: (all authors are listed if there are six or fewer, otherwise only the first six are listed followed by“et al.“) Spates ST, Mellette JR, Fitzpatrick J. Metastatic basal cell carcinoma. J Dermatol Surg. 2003; 29(2):650–2.

2.Book: Sherlock S. Disease of the liver and biliary sys-tem. 8th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Sc Publ, 1989.

3.Chapter or article in a book: Trier JJ. Celiac sprue. In: Sleisenger MH, For-dtran J5, eds. Gastro-intestinal disease. 4 th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1989: 1134–2.


Tables are typed on separate sheets with figure numbers (Arabic) and title above the table and explanatory notes, if any, below the table.

Figures and figure legends.

All illustrations (photographs, graphs, diagrams) are to be considered figures, and are numbered consecutively in the text and figure legend in Arabic numerals. The number of figures included is the least required to convey the message of the paper, and no figure duplicates the data presented in the tables or text. Letters, numerals and symbols must be clear, in proportion to each other, and large enough to be readable when reduced for publication.

Figures are submitted as near to their printed size as possible. Legends for figures should be given on separate pages. If magnification is significant (photomicrographs), it is indicated by a calibration bar on the print, not by a magnification factor in the figure legend. The length of the bar is indicated on the figure or in the figure legend. Photographs of identifiable patients are accompanied by written permission from the patient. For figures published previously, the original source is acknowledged, and written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it is submitted.

Letters to the Editor

Both letters concerning and those not concerning the articles that have been published in SANAMED will be considered for publication. They may contain one table or figure and up to five references.

Cover letter

The letter signed by all authors must be attached with the manuscript. The letter should consist of: the statement that the paper has not been published previously and that it is not submitted for publication to some other journal, the statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors who fulfill the authorship criteria. Furthermore, authors should attach copies of all permits: for reproduction of previously published materials, for use of illustrations and for publication of information about publicly known persons or naming the people who contributed to the creation of the work.

Costs of paper preparation

All authors of papers, have obligation, before they receive confirmation that the paper will be published in Sanamed, to pay part of expenses of printing, which is 2500 RSD for author, 1500 RSD for co-authors, for each paper. For paper author from abroad printing fees are 40 Euro (in Dinar equivalent at the exchange rate on the day of payment), and 20 Euro for co-authors each. Additionally will be charged each page with pictures in color, costing 30 Euro; black and white pictures will not be charged.

For any further instructions and information, contact Editorial Board.

Article-processing fee waivers and discounts 

Sanamed is open access and requires Article Processing Charges (APCs) to be paid following acceptance. To help support researchers who are unable to meet some or all of the costs associated with publishing in Sanamed, or have some other reasons,  Sanamed journal allows waivers or discounts.

Authors with insufficient funds from any country may apply for an APC discount or waiver at the point of submission in a Cover letter, explaining their reasons for this request. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

Reviewers are granted cumulative discounts

Note. The paper which does not fulfill the conditions set in this instruction cannot be sent to reviewers and will be returned to the authors for amendments and corrections. By following the instructions for writing the papers for Medical Journal, the time needed for the process of publication of papers in the journal will be shortened, which will have positive impact on the quality and regularity of publication of volumes.


Authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could have direct or potential influence or impart bias on the work. Although an author may not feel there is any conflict, the disclosure of relationships and interests provides a more complete and transparent process, leading to an accurate and objective assessment of the work. Awareness of real or perceived conflicts of interest is a perspective to which the readers are entitled. This is not meant to imply that a financial relationship with an organization that sponsored the research or compensation received for consultancy work is inappropriate.

Also, interests that go beyond financial interests and compensation (non-financial interests) that may be important to readers should be disclosed. These may include but are not limited to personal relationships or competing interests directly or indirectly tied to this research, or professional interests or personal beliefs that may influence your research. The corresponding author collects the conflict of interest disclosure forms from all authors. In author collaborations where formal agreements for representation allow it, it is sufficient for the corresponding author to sign the disclosure form on behalf of all authors.



Statement of Human Rights When reporting studies that involve human participants, authors should include a statement that the studies have been approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee and have been performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration or comparable standards, the authors must explain the reasons for their approach, and demonstrate that the independent ethics committee or institutional review board explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study.

The welfare of animals used for research must be respected. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the international, national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals have been followed, and that the studies have been approved by a research ethics committee at the institution or practice at which the studies were conducted (where such a committee exists).


Corrections are published upon request and after editorial review. Retractions are published upon request of authors or their institutions and may also be published by the Journal following a determination of scientific misconduct. Notes of Concern are published in response to editorial concerns relating to scientific or publishing misconduct by authors or reviewers or to alert the scientific community of an ongoing investigation.


Submitted manuscripts may be rejected without detailed comments after an initial review by the editorial board if the manuscripts are considered inappropriate or of insufficient scientific priority for publication in Sanamed. All other manuscripts undergo a complete review. Criteria for acceptance include originality, the validity of data, clarity of writing, strength of the conclusions, and the potential importance of the work in a field of sciences. Submitted manuscripts will not be reviewed if they do not conform to standard English usage and the Instructions for authors.


According to ICMJE, authorship is based on the following criteria:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content
  • Final approval of the version to be published
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.

All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged

The corresponding author is the one individual who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process.


For all manuscripts that include details, images, or videos relating to an individual person, written informed consent for the publication of these details must be obtained from that person (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 18). If the person has died, consent for publication must be obtained from their next of kin. The manuscript must include a statement that written informed consent for publication was obtained. 

Authors can use the Sanamed consent form to obtain consent for publication, or a consent form from their own institution or region if appropriate. The consent form must state that the details/images/videos will be freely available on the internet and may be seen by the general public. The consent form must be made available to the Editor if requested, and will be treated confidentially.

In cases where images are entirely unidentifiable and there are no details on individuals reported within the manuscript, consent for publication of images may not be required. The final decision on whether consent to publish is required lies with the Editor.


Publication decisions: The editor is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The editor may confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.

Fair play:  An editor at any time evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.

Confidentiality: The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest: Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor's own research without the express written consent of the author.


Reporting standards: Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the paper. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Originality and Plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication: An author should not, in general, publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgment of Sources: Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.

Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors.

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Fundamental errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.


Original article

Author guidelines can be found on author Guidelines


author Guidelines

Case report

author Guidelines

Review article

author Guidelines

Letter to editor

author Guidelines


author Guidelines

personal view & opinion

author Guidelines

History of medicine

author Guidelines

Seminar for physicians

author Guidelines

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.