Overview of Monkeypox Virus

  • Kashish Wilson
  • Garima
  • Rajat Goyal
  • Hitesh Chopra Saveetha college of Engineering
  • Shivani Chopra
  • Meenakshi Dhanawat
Keywords: Mpox, monkeypox, Body fluids, Vaccines, Transmission, Zoonoses, Orthopoxvirus


Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is a close relative of the Variola (smallpox) virus, which was formerly prevalent throughout West and Central Africa. Nonetheless, instances have lately been verified outside of Africa in several nonendemic nations. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined the recent monkeypox spread health emergency for the public for global significance on 23 July 2022. This worldwide community may be in danger because of the increased number of confirmed cases. The monkeypox virus (MPXV), the etiologic agent, was isolated from diseased monkeys in 1959, and its pathogenicity in humans was first documented in the 1970s, primarily in Western and Central African endemic countries. But in 2022, this disease shows extreme return at a never-before-seen rate, raising concerns about its communicative expansion in non-endemic areas and its potential for human-to-human transmission. Healthcare professionals, public health regulators and the general people around the world must possess substantial expertise for such relatively unknown viral diseases to mitigate the situation. Here, a thorough and current pathogenesis overview, epidemiology and clinical characteristics, along with monkeypox therapy is presented. This current review also covers future research fields, vaccine advancements and preventive and control methods for this reemerging viral disease that is currently recognised as a global crisis in public health.


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