Paediatric Post-Traumatic Tenosynovial Chondromatosis of the Foot: A Case Report

  • Šemsudin Porčić Odsjek plastične i rekonstruktivne hirurgije, Kantonalna bolnica "dr Irfan Ljubijankić" Bihać
  • Andrej Jokić Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Irma Todorovac Hodžić Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Cantonal Hospital Bihać, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keywords: Chondromatosis, synovial, Chondromatosis, tenosynovial, Synovial membrane, Paediatric, Foot, Tendons, Flexor tendon


Tenosynovial chondromatosis (TC) is a rare benign condition characterised by the formation of cartilaginous nodules from tendon sheaths or articular membranes. It primarily affects the hand and wrist structures. The condition predominantly affects individuals in their thirties to fifties. The post-traumatic TC is not reported in a paediatric patient, to the best of our knowledge. The purpose of this case was to describe a five-year-old girl's case of TC, which had a highly unusual localisation in the foot following a post-traumatic event. In order to handle this challenging lesion, the clinical presentation, imaging modalities, histopathology and surgical treatment is presented. Performing surgery with wide margins is the gold standard.


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Case report