Gingival crevicular fluid alkaline phosphatase activity in relation to pubertal growth spurt and dental maturation: A multiple regression study

  • Giuseppe Perinetti University of Trieste, Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences
  • Luca Contardo University of Trieste, Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences


Introduction: The identification of the onset of the pubertal growth spurt has major clinical implications when dealing with orthodontic treatment in growing subjects.

Aim: Through multivariate methods, this study evaluated possible relationships between the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) alkalinephosphatase (ALP) activity and pubertal growth spurt and dentition phase.

Materials and methods: One hundred healthy growing subjects (62 females, 38 males; mean age, 11.5±2.4 years) were enrolled into this doubleblind, prospective, cross-sectional-design study. Phases of skeletal maturation (pre - pubertal, pubertal, post - pubertal) was assessed usingthe cervical vertebral maturation method. Samples of GCF for the ALP activity determination were collected at the mesial and distal sites ofthe mandibular central incisors. The phases of the dentition were recorded as intermediate mixed, late mixed, or permanent. A multinomialmultiple logistic regression model was used to assess relationships of the enzymatic activity to growth phases and dentition phases.

Results: The GCF ALP activity was greater in the pubertal growth phase as compared to the pre - pubertal and post - pubertal growthphases. Significant adjusted odds ratios for the GCF ALP activity for the pre - pubertal and post - pubertal subjects, in relation to the pubertal group, were 0.76 and 0.84, respectively. No significant correlations were seen for the dentition phase.

Conclusions: The GCF ALP activity is a valid candidate as a non - invasive biomarker for the identification of the pubertal growthspurt irrespective of the dentition phase.


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