Applying neuromuscular techniques in the orthodontic setting

  • Fabio Savastano International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology (ICNOG)


Introduction: Neuromuscular orthodontic techniques that investigate the interrelatedness of the muscles, bones, joints and teeth involved in oral function, hold promise for the treatment of a spectrum of oral disorders. Indeed, such technologies will help patients receive a more targeted level of care. Here we present a case report concerning an 11-year-old boy who underwent orthodontic treatment for recurrent pain of the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ), misaligned teeth, and irregular clicking noises (associated with the right TMJ) during mouth opening. The basic principles of the use of mandibular tracking, surface electromyography, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to diagnose malocclusions and determine the cranio-mandibular relationship are outlined.

Case presentation: Pre-treatment status, progress, post-treatment status and 8-year follow-up data are shown.

Conclusion: As neuromuscular orthodontics can provide detailed functional analyses through a combination of technologies, the clinician is better placed to evaluate the needs of the patient and deliver treatment. Further deployment of such techniques should, therefore, be encouraged to increase orthodontic health and practice.


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Case Report