Siromaštvo u Bugarskoj: dimenzije, politike i analize
Ovaj članak sagledava siromaštvo u Bugarskoj kroz prizmu odnosa između nepovoljnih stopa blagostanja, sprovedenih političkih mera i stanja analize u ovoj oblasti. Predstavljajući postojeće nacionalne i uporedne EU statističke, analizirajući dokumenta politike i utvrđujući ograničenja i prevladavajuće predrasude u naučnom istraživanju o ovoj temi, tvrdi se da su tri aspekta funkcionalno dosledna i da prevazilaženje visokih stopa siromaštva u zemlji treba ponovo razmotriti i organizovati aktivnosti čiji je cilj: a) veća doslednost između politika u raznim oblastima (ekonomija, socijalna pitanja, porezi, osiguranje, tržište rada, zaštita životne sredine itd.) i b) razvoj zasnovan na znanju i usmeren na adekvatno bavljenje strukturalnim generatorima siromaštva.
Borisova-Marinova, K. et al. (2018). Demographic Development, Labour Force and Labour Resources in Bulgaria, In: ISPP-BAS, Measures to Overcome the Demographic Crisis in Republic of Bulgaria, vol. 4, Sofia [In Bulgarian ]
EC (2018). Employment and Social Developments in Europe, Annual Review 2018
Eurostat (2020a). At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold, age and sex – EU-SILC and ECHP surveys [ilc_li02], Extracted on 27/09/2020
Eurostat (2020b). Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion [ilc_peps01], downloaded 4/01/2021
Eurostat (2020c). Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income after social transfers – EU-SILC survey [ilc_di12]
Eurostat (2020d). Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) [ilc_di12b]
Eurostat (2020e). In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by age and sex – EU-SILC survey [ilc_iw01], downloaded 04/01/2021
Eurostat (2020f). Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and most frequent activity status [ilc_mdsd01], downloaded on 04/01/2021
Eurostat (2020g). People at risk of poverty or social exclusion;, Data extracted on 18/09/2020
Eurostat (2020h). Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys [ilc_li21], downloaded on 04/01/2021
Eurostat (2020i). Severely materially deprived people [SDG_01_30], data extracted on 18/09/2020
Eurostat (202j), Severe material deprivation rate, analysed by age, 2015–2019, Data extracted on 04/01/2020
Grigorova, V. (2018). The people against social benefits: or the art of making the needy themselves demand more restrictions against themselves. Sofia: Public Intervention Team [In Bulgarian ]
Grigorova, V. (2016). Poor vs. Poor, Sofia: Collective for Public Interventions [In Bulgarian ]
Ivkov, B. (2018). Socio-economic stratification and social inequalities in health. Report presented at a round table on “Inequalities and poverty in Bulgaria” under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, held on October 9, 2018 [In Bulgarian ]
Ivkov, B., Atanasov, A., Saykova, S., Toneva, Z., Todorova, S., Popivanov, P., Draganov, D., Yankov, I., Ampirska, T. (2017) Health expenditures from pocket and health inequalities. UNWE, Sofia
Jeliazkova, M. (2019). Quality of jobs and employment in Bulgaria, in: Population Journal, 37, 4/2019, Publishing House of BAS [In Bulgarian ]
Jeliazkova, M. & Minev, D. (2020). Bulgaria: Poverty Watch 2020,
Jeliazkova, M., Minev, D. & Draganov, D. (2018). Assessing youth employment policies in 28 European countries, EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No. 55. Tallinn University, Tallinn.
Kabakchieva, P. (2018). The quality of education - for whom? Normative visions for the quality and practical differentiation of schools. Report presented at the Annual Scientific Conference of BAS: Inequalities in Bulgaria: Causes, Consequences, Manifestations, held on December 11, 2018, Sofia [In Bulgarian ]
Krasteva, V. (2019). Youth employment and precarious jobs: the case of Bulgaria, Publishing House of BAS [In Bulgarian ]
Living Wage Indicator,
Milenkova, V. (2011). Educational inequalities in the context of Bulgarian modernity, in Problems of postmodernity, 1 [In Bulgarian ]
Minev, D. (2018). Abnormal inequalities: mechanisms that cause them, their consequences and opportunities for their reduction, Report presented at a round table on “Inequalities and poverty in Bulgaria” under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, held on 09/10/2018 [In Bulgarian ]
National Strategy for Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Social Inclusion 2030,
NSI (2019). National Statistical Institute on Indicators of Poverty and Social inclusion in 2019, [In Bulgarian ]
Pekanov, A. (2018). Economic inequalities in Bulgaria in a European context and their macroeconomic consequences, Report presented at a round table on “Inequalities and poverty in Bulgaria” under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, held on 09/10/2018 [In Bulgarian ]
Peneva, T. (2019). Energy poverty in Bulgaria, in Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University, vol. 1 [In Bulgarian ]
Social Assistance Act, [In Bulgarian ]
Zahariev, B., Grigorova, V. & Yordanov, I. (2016). Energy Poverty in Bulgaria, Open Society Sofia [In Bulgarian ]