Suitability Analysis of Pal Beach (Indonesia) as an Emerging Coastal Recreational Destination


This study evaluates the suitability of Pal Beach in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, as a recreational beach tourism destination. Ten key parameters influencing beach tourism are assessed, including water depth, beach type and width, seabed material, vegetation, water clarity, currents, harmful marine life and freshwater availability. Results classify Pal Beach as 'Very Suitable' with a score of 2.82. The beach boasts features like shallow coastal waters, sandy white shores, ample width, good water visibility, coconut trees and gentle slopes catering to visitors. However, strong currents exceeding ideal speeds, the presence of stonefish and sea snakes, and limited onsite freshwater pose notable challenges needing mitigation for its sustainability. By analyzing tourism viability while identifying environmental constraints, this assessment contributes insights to guide the integrated management of emerging recreational destinations in Indonesia based on globally accepted principles of responsible, sustainable development.

Biografije autora

Tommy Meiky Kontu, Politeknik Negeri Manado

I pursued his undergraduate education at Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, within the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, where he obtained a Bachelor of Fisheries and Marine Science degree. He subsequently pursued his Master's degree in the Postgraduate program at Sam Ratulangi University, specializing in Aquatic Sciences, with a thesis titled "Coastal Components in the Tatapaan Subdistrict Potentially Developed as Marine Tourism Destinations," leading to the award of a Master of Sciences degree. Since 2003, he has served as an lecturer at the State Polytechnic of Manado in the Department of Tourism, specifically in the Marine Ecotourism Program. The courses he teaches encompass subjects such as marine biology, marine ecology, marine ecotourism, oceanography, and statistics. Additionally, he has authored a teaching manual titled "Marine Ecotourism" and contributed an article to the Coastal and Marine Journal titled "Community Structure of Batuline Mangroves in Bahoi Village, Likupang Barat Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency."

Oktavianus Lintong, Manado State Polytechnic

I am a lecturer and researcher in the Marine Ecotourism program at the State Polytechnic of Manado, Indonesia. I completed my doctorate’s degree in the field of marine sciences, specializing in coastal management and ecotourism, at Sam Ratulangi University. I have published several articles and books on coastal tourism management, driven by a keen interest in researching coastal management, particularly in the context of tourism and sustainable coastal development. I also serves as the coordinator of the Marine Tourism Division within the Indonesian Association of Marine Scholars, North Sulawesi Province.

Dannie Rieshard Stephen Oroh, Politeknik Negeri Manado

Dannie Rieshard Stephen Oroh received a bachelor's degree in marine science from Sam Ratulangi University in July 1997. The author currently holds a permanent position as a lecturer at the State Polytechnic of Manado, Department of Tourism in the Marine Ecotourism Program. In 2006, he obtained permission for further studies in the Postgraduate program at Sam Ratulangi University, specializing in Aquatic Sciences, and earned a master of science degree in October 2008. The main courses he teaches encompass topics such as Environmental Pollution, Marine Ecotourism, Environmental Monitoring Techniques, Scientific Diving, and Environmental Ecology. In addition to his role as an editor, the author has also served as a regular contributor to the Journal of Ecotourism published by the Department of Tourism at the State Polytechnic of Manado since 2019. He has authored teaching materials titled Environmental Pollution, 'Environmental Monitoring Techniques” in 2021, and “Marine Ecotourism” in 2021.


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