The relation of stress coping strategies and self-handicapping strategies to the process of opiate addicts behavior changes

  • Mirjana Ratko Jovanovic Psychiatric Clinic,CC Kragujevac Faculty of medical sciences,University of Kragujevac
  • Aleksandra Dickov Clinic of Psychiatry, Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
  • Marija Kajtez
  • Veselin Dickov Institute for the health protection of students, Novi Sad
  • Tatjana Dragišić University Clinical Centre of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka
Keywords: opioid-related disorders, therapeutics, stress, psychological, mental disorders, surveys and questionnaires




Background/Aim. During a progress of addictive behav­ior treatment, the strategies of coping with stress are en­gaged, but addicts may continue with self-handicapping be­havior which is opposite to changing a problematic behav­ior. The aim of this study was to examine the stress coping (CS) strategies and self-handicapping (SH) strategies in rela­tion to the process of addictive behavior change. Methods. In the descriptive clinical study, the sample of 200 consecu­tively recruited inpatient opiate addicts were explored. They underwent methadone therapy. The general information questionnaire, the Indicator of coping strategies (CSI), SH-questionnaire for assessing self-handicapping behavior (SH) and the University Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA) questionnaire for the assessment of process of change were completed. The Student t-test, Pearson’s cor­relation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were applied. The SPSS for Windows was used and the p ≤ 0.05 defined as statistically significant. Results. Among the CS, there were significant correlations between avoiding prob­lems strategy and all SH strategies (p ≤ 0.02). The social support was directly proportionate to the process of change (p = 0.03, β = 0.35). However, the process of change in­versely correlated to internal handicaps in interpersonal re­lationships strategy (IHI) (p = 0.02; β = -0.54) and strategy of focusing to the problem (p = 0.00, β = -0.44). Conclu­sion. The significant positive predictor for the process of addictive behavior change was a strategy of social support, but focusing on the problem and the strategy of internal handicaps in achievement situations were significant nega­tive predictors. The evaluation of motivation process and stress coping strategies could be useful for creation of im­proved tailored treatment of opiate addiction.



Author Biography

Mirjana Ratko Jovanovic, Psychiatric Clinic,CC Kragujevac Faculty of medical sciences,University of Kragujevac
Načelnik odeljenja za bolesti zavisnosti



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