Surgical treatment of unstable pelvic ring fractures

  • miroslav b kezunovic Klinicki centar Crne Gore Podgorica Ortopedsko traumatoloska klinika Univerzitet Crne Gore
  • Nikola Bulatović The Clinical Centre of Montenegro, The Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic, Podgorica, Montenegro
Keywords: pelvic bones, fractures, bone, orthopedic procedures, open fracture reduction, fracture fixation, internal, treatment outcome




Background/Aim. Pelvic ring fractures are complex inju­ries and are often associated with internal organs injuries. These injuries require rapid and accurate diagnosis and in some cases one or more surgical interventions. The aim of this retrospective study is to describe the indications and outcomes of surgical treatment of pelvic ring injuries with the emphasis on anatomical reconstruction and stable os­teosynthesis as a prerequisite for early mobilization and more favorable functional outcomes. Methods. In the pe­riod from 2006 to 2012, fifty-five patients with pelvic ring injuries with or without acetabular fractures were analyzed. The average age of all patients was 36 years. Forty-one pa­tients were treated with operational open reduction and in­ternal fixation (ORIF) while nine of them were treated nonoperatively (bed rest, skeletal traction and external fixa­tion). Results. All operated patients were treated within 3-24 days with ORIF, stable osteosynthesis and early mobili­zation which resulted in avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head in two cases. AVN of the femoral head was noted in five cases in combined and isolated pelvic ring in­juries and acetabulum which were treated with skeletal trac­tion. Neurological deficit was recorded in three patients treated with conservative methods while two patients un­derwent ORIF. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was noted in two patients and pulmonary thromboembolism appeared in one patient 23 days after surgical intervention. Two infec­tions occurred around Steinman pins in the patients who had the definitive treatment performed with external fixator. In one patient treated with ORIF a superficial infection oc­curred and was treated with antibiotics. The functional re­sults were evaluated based on Merle d'Aubigné score. The results of the radiography treatment were analyzed accord­ing to Slatis. Conclusion. Strict application of rational crite­ria and surgical technique with stable internal fixation with early mobilization provide significantly better outcomes of these injuries in relation to non surgical treatment or treat­ment with definitive external fixation.



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