Arterijska krutost kao prediktivni faktor kardiovaskularnih oboljenja

  • Vesna J Stojanov Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic for Cardiology, Multidisciplinary Center for Polyclinic Diagnostics, Assessment and Treatment of Blood Pressure Disorders, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nenad J Radivojevic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: antihipertenzivi, arterije, kardiovaskularne bolesti, elastičnost, oprema i pribor, hipertenzija, pulsni talas, analiza, rizik, procena

Author Biography

Vesna J Stojanov, Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic for Cardiology, Multidisciplinary Center for Polyclinic Diagnostics, Assessment and Treatment of Blood Pressure Disorders, Belgrade, Serbia




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