The accuracy of ultrasonography for detection of enlarged parathyroid glands in patients with different forms of hyperparathyroidism
Background/Aim. Ultrasonography is a cheap, easily available and convenient method for diagnosis. The aims of this study were: to determine the utility of ultrasonography for preoperative identification and localization of enlarged parathyroid glands (PTG) in patients with different forms of hyperparathyroidism (HPT); to examine the frequency of PTG detection in patients previously non-suspected for HPT but having symptoms relevant to the disease; to determine sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) of ultrasonography for identification of PTG in HPT and to compare obtained results with those obtained by scintigraphy. Methods. This investigation was designed as a retrospective–prospective study. The total number of patients undergoing ultrasonography prior to surgery was 179 and the number of those subjected to scintigraphy, mostly by the 201Tl/99mTc method, was 112. The patients (52 male, 128 female) were divided into the following four groups: group A – patients with primary (p)HPT (n = 78); group B – patients with secondary (s)HPT (n = 47); group C – patients with tertiary (t)HPT (n = 13); group D – patients with unrecognized (u)HPT, but with anamnestic data implying the disease (n = 42). High resolution ultrasonography was performed by a single experienced observer. Diagnosis of HPT was based on characteristic clinical and biochemical parameters. Final proof of HPT diagnosis was surgery followed by histopathological examination. Results. Ultrasonography detected enlarged PTG in 93.85% of total patients, whereas scintigraphy uncovered 75.89% of positive cases (p < 0.05). The total number of positive PTG detected by ultrasonography was 211 vs 225 detected by surgery (sensitivity – 95.9%; PPV – 99.4%). Histopathology confirmed the predominance of adenoma in the A and D groups in comparison with the B group of patients having PTG hyperplasia. The group C was characterized by the presence of adenomas in hyperplastic PTG. The mean size of PTG measured by ultrasonography was 17.59 ± 8.0 mm (n = 164) vs 18.36 ± 8.54 mm (n = 179) measured after surgery. Ultrasonography proved itself as an accurate technique in all HPT groups, regarding its high sensitivity (range 93.6–100%) and PPV (95.6–100%). In contrast, scintigraphy was shown to be less reliable, especially in the sPTH group (sensitivity: 51.7%; PPV: 78.4%). Conclusion. Ultrasonography is more sensitive and accurate method for pre-operative localization of PTG in comparison with 201Tl/99mTc scintigraphy. It can be also efficiently used for detection of PTG and diagnosis of HPT in patients previously not suspected for this disease.
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