Pathological lying and tasks of psychological assessment

  • Dragana Djurić Jočić Faculty of Media and Communications, Department of Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nevenka Pavlicić Faculty of Media and Communications, Department of Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vesna Gazivoda Clinical Center of Montenegro, Psychiatric Clinic, Podgorica, Montenegro
Keywords: psychological tests;, personality assessment;, personality disorders;, diagnosis differential;, psychopathology.

Author Biography

Dragana Djurić Jočić, Faculty of Media and Communications, Department of Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia

Docent na Fakultetu za medije i komunikaciju

na predmetima Psihologija ličnosti i Psihologija individualnih razlika

Specijalista medicinske psihologije na Klinici za psihijatriju



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