Influence of dental filling material type on the concentration of interleukin 9 in the samples of gingival crevicular fluid

  • dr Vladimir Stefanović Clinic for Dental Medicine, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Ervin Taso Clinic for Dental Medicine, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Aleksandra Petković Ćurčin Institute for Medical Research,Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Mirjana Djukić Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Milka Gardašević Clinic for Maxilofacial Surgery,Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Mia Rakić Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Struillou Xavier Department of Periodontology, University of Nantes, Nantes, France
  • Milena Jović Institute for Pathology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Karolina Miller Histopathology Department, Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Dorchester, United Kingdom
  • Ivan Stanojević Institute for Medical Research,Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Danilo Vojvodić Institute for Medical Research,Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: dental caries, dental materials, gingival cervicular fluid, cytokines, interleukin-9.,


Background/Aim. Several cytokines and lymphokines (IL1β, ENA78, IL6, TNFα, IL8 and S100A8) are expressed during dental pulp inflammation. Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) offers a non-invasive means of studying general host response in oral cavity. Although GCF levels of various mediators could reflect the state of inflammation both in dental pulp and gingiva adjacent to a tooth, GCF samples of those without significant gingivitis could be interpreted as reflection of pulpal process. The aim of this study was to investigate IL9 GCF values in patients with dental caries and to assess possible influence of various dental fillings materials on local IL9 production. Methods. The study group included 90 patients, aged 18–70, with inclusion and exclusion criteria in the prospective clinical study. Of the 6 types of material used for the restoration of prepared cavities, 3 were intended for temporary and 3 for definitive restoration. According to dental fillings weight, all the participants were divided into 3 groups: those with fillings lighter than 0.50 g, those with 0.50–1.00 g, and those with fillings heavier than 1.00 g. Samples were taken from gingival sulcus using the filter paper technique. Clinical parameters were determined by bleeding index, plaque index (Silness-Lou, 0–3), gingival index (0–3), and gingival sulcus depth. Cytokine concentrations were assessed using commercially available cytomix. Results. According to the weight of dental fillings, there was a clear decreament trend of IL9 values meaning that dental defects greater than 1.00 g of dental filling were associated with lower GCF IL9 concentration. The IL9 values correlated with the degree of gingival index and depth of gingival sulcus, being higher with more advanced gingivitis and more pronounced anatomical changes in the tooth edge. Different filling materials exerted various local IL9 responses. Zink polycarbonate cement and amalgam fillings induced a significant and long-lasting local IL9 decrement, while the use of Tetric EvoCeram and GMA-BISK significantly increased IL9 levels. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that IL9 GCF could be regarded as a measure of odontoblasts’ response to the extensity of dental caries. The type of material used for dental fillings could profoundly alter biological function of gingival and pulpal cells. Also, the results obtained in this study suggest that some materials could even enhance wound repair by modulating macrophage activation.


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