The Ambient Temperature Influence on the Modelling of Power Distribution Networks

  • Nada S Vrcelj Electrical engineering institute Nikola Tesla, University of Belgrade
  • Dejan N Milošević Electrical engineering institute Nikola Tesla, University of Belgrade
  • Nikola K Šušnica Electrical engineering institute Nikola Tesla, University of Belgrade
  • Vesna A Stanojević "EPS Distribucija" d.o.o. Beograd


For long-term development planning of power distribution networks, it is necessary to have the modelling process adapted to the available data. More detailed models can give better insight into the current operating state of the power distribution network, as well as into the potential network capabilities. The impact of conductor resistance change due to ambient temperature variations in power distribution network modelling is analysed, especially the influence on power flow calculations and estimated power losses. This impact is analysed in the case of a part of the power distribution network EPS Distribucija d.o.o. Beograd, which includes the network areas Sopot and Grocka.

Author Biography

Dejan N Milošević, Electrical engineering institute Nikola Tesla, University of Belgrade
Elektrotehnički Institut Nikola Tesla, Centar za elektroenergetske sisteme
Professional Paper